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published in(发表于) 2016/6/8 9:34:21 Edit(编辑)
Russia unveiled new MC21: slightly larger than the C919,

Russia unveiled new MC21: slightly larger than the C919,(俄罗斯全新客机MC21亮相:比C919略大,)



Russia unveiled new MC-21: slightly larger than the C919-passenger plane, Russia-IT information

IT news , June 8, and today Russia Ilyushin aircraft company announced that the company developed the new MC-21 line.

Allegedly, MC-21 includes both MC-21-200 and MC-21-300 models, and today the line is MC-21-300. The machine is equipped with a provided by Pratt Whitney PW1400G-JM engine, its range of mileage up to 6400 kilometers.

Passenger capacity, MC-21 up to 211 passengers, compared to China's C919, extending.

MC-21 plans the first flight by the end of this year, delivered in 2018 and later start the Russia airlines. MC-21 amounted to get orders for 175 aircraft, all from the former Soviet Union countries.

俄罗斯全新客机MC-21亮相:比C919略大 - 客机,俄罗斯 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 6月8日消息,今日,俄罗斯伊尔库特飞机公司宣布,该公司研发的全新MC-21客机正式下线。




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