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published in(发表于) 2016/3/8 8:40:14 Edit(编辑)
VR industry cannot bypass porn rating system is imperative,

VR industry cannot bypass porn rating system is imperative,(VR产业无法绕过色情,分级制度势在必行,)



VR industry cannot bypass the porn, categorisation is imperative-VR, virtual reality, porn industry-IT information

In recent years, virtual reality is more and more attention. According to industry projections, VR trillion of market move is nothing less than the future of the Internet market. In the opinion of many, with the past 15, Smartphone wave will end, and the virtual reality technology is likely to become the next Blue Ocean, become a flashpoint for a new round.

Move virtual reality now but there are a lot of bottlenecks, and these bottlenecks are almost always comes from the technical side. Even so, including industry, most people still expect virtual reality has a very large, and Tencent, music, millet and other Giants involved, coupled with entrepreneurial VR business development people to solve these problems seemed to be more and more confident.

Despite the chill in the current capital market, but the investment has been in full swing for virtual reality. It was predicted that in China, with a new round of products being marketed as 2016 will be the first year of mass adoption of virtual reality hardware, most mainstream VR virtual reality glasses will usher in a great burst of competition heating up phase. In this intense competition, there are many problems to be studied.

VR industry will not reproduce the myth of millet patterns?

Virtual glasses of the market now, and the Smartphone market has somewhat similar, high prices, relatively high-end audience. Is in the making on the eve of the outbreak. VR equipment costs has been one of the outbreak of resistance. Although the market from more than 10 cartons of VR VR glasses to hundreds of plastic glasses, slightly used but everyone can understand, the VR glasses or helmet, with mobile phone is a standard function in the age of machines. Far from VR "smartphones" level. Truly touched the hearts price and function VR glasses, there is rare, and the costs of its various technical problems.

A case study of VR technology is relatively mature companies Facebook, its Oculus company′s virtual reality helmet OculusRift (consumer version), it costs up to $ 599 (about RMB 3927), which is most of what could be called the true price of real VR equipment. Not only that, but to really experience the impact of VR products, most of the time may also need a high-performance PC. If you are not a veteran player, it is difficult to quickly to VR products produced in such cohesive consumer demand. But this time, price, mobile unlimited VR machine become to strong demand. Therefore, VR run-up, millet patterns seem to have a better chance. And to VR products abroad while the technology is more mature, but domestic manufacturers also have the advantage of a very large, that is local. VR contents that need localization support products, foreign manufacturers easily acclimatized.

Some domestic manufacturers have a keen sense of smell this and similar manufacturers on the market storm, Nibiru, Tencent, Rui Yue information and 3Glasses, can be seen from the recent market action, they have objectives aimed at the low-end VR market, and this time, they did not stop the pace of research and development launch of a high-end VR equipment.

This encircling the cities from the countryside of play, and millet is different in essence, shows the ambition is not really small. 2016 is VR technique broke out of a year must be a year of fierce fighting. And this scene with the smart-phone market is very similar, in the smart phone is high, when millet is the use of this style, combined with powerful marketing tools, created a myth of the Smartphone industry, so that the whole Smartphone industry became one of the most respected industry.

Cannot bypass the hurdle: porn industry

Smart phones, is favourite to become the next generation of virtual reality equipment products one of the contenders. So the fight will be difficult to avoid, and can distinguish a successful VR products, besides their function and price/performance in addition to content and services is a top priority, as this in the final decision, to the user′s interactive experience. To put it bluntly, VR equipment of competition will eventually rise to the content in the service. Except in virtual reality games and video outside the areas of great imagination, adult porn industry has always been a concern that cannot be bypassed.

With maturity and popularity of virtual imaging technology, high-end users in the VR glasses will no longer face, greater in the low end of the market will break out. The corresponding "VR tools for adults" will also be widely used, well, porn to watch using the VR glasses even spread will become popular. In that case, virtual reality is born millet, like the Giants, still broadcast the birth dispute the company? And no one can give a definite answer.

Many people have sex it′s grazing industries seen as VR outbreak one of the most important. In theory, the porn industry has always been a popular new technology pioneer, porn and adult entertainment are also key drivers of the early users to accept VR technology. With the popularity of VR glasses, virtual reality will be a hotbed of sexual content, pornography industry. While the porn industry will greatly feeding VR industry. As mentioned earlier most of domestic VR companies, also have been made in technology to capture a profound technical accumulation, must also be applied to subsequent product development in virtual reality. As the technology matures, this highly immersive and interactive scene porn, as one of the comments said, is a Saint could not control it?

VR porn industry will be developed into a vast field of adult entertainment, have formed a consensus. Film-makers, toy manufacturers, robot manufacturers and high-tech equipment makers will no doubt participate in this competition, in order to win the competition, they will try to make the most interesting VR sex experience. By 2025, pornographic and adult content market value of as much as $ 1 billion a year, became the virtual reality industry′s third largest field, after the entertainment and games. VR glasses because of its social attributes, sharing with each other, even within the same scene watch porn or sex are not remotely. In this connection, now sounds a little brain, but VR glasses the time, really is very likely to be one of the user′s familiar.

For the above reasons, apart from the porn industry will promote the VR technology progress, will also become a purchasing power of VR glasses. According to foreign media reports, from November to January 2015, famous virtual device manufacturers, Oculus and Oculus Rift website 2.7% reference traffic from porn sites. HoMIDo that need to be combined with virtual reality for cell phone use equipment, the company is 51.4% flow from porn sites. These data are adequate to support this view. So, pornography will become popular VR glasses after the first issue. Of course, on a personal note, this issue is not a problem for manufacturers, however, especially in China, had to consider to take the legal risk.

VR Device classification system should be established for enterprises reference

On this issue, sources said, some vendors is not taken into account, and also to study a number of initiatives, such as the dual branding operation: in the international brand a, brand b as copying a cottage in the country. Can also not domestically produced content and choose to cooperate with foreign content, such as pornography industries became highly developed in Japan; in addition, VR glasses can′t be pornography consumption-related, you can try to go into some sex-related treatment areas, which is legal. But it looks to me like these in order to avoid legal disputes arising from the pornography initiative, but manufacturers of wishful thinking, most of the time, only by virtue of experience and luck.

But these palliatives, even, would hurt the VR market. In fact, in addition to brand manufacturers, timely perfect domestic laws is a top priority. In addition to pornographic content, should also include related content such as videos, games, these all need a classification system. As for adults, which can impact may be limited, but still many of them cause some violent crimes, and for minors, the harm is greater. Just took game for, was on put China game industry of metaphor into a horse runaway of Mustang, played health up on without domesticated, and also no tube have live it of fixed driver, wild unruly of in downtown in getting, repeatedly trouble, social evaluation very poor, and virtual reality for game words scene certainly will more realistic, by produced of effect more big, so more need on its for grading limit, more alone porn content.

In addition to the content ratings, can create shared virtual reality as a tool, virtual reality devices themselves also need to be graded. VR glasses is just a tool, and that there won′t be any objections in law. However, VR most were vendors customize the content or search for specific partners, so in the event of pornography, the firms themselves also could face fast play in legal disputes. Virtual reality devices as a new type of product, its own particularities, once a classification system, to enable manufacturers to have a reference specification, and like said above, can only use their experience and luck. For the industry as a whole, is a benefit.

Of course, the legal aspects of the porn industry and virtual reality there seems to be difficult to reconcile, to establish a healthy market for virtual reality, we still have miles to go. Grading system for virtual reality hardware, it is just my personal opinion, but if the industry and related branches, can begin to think about the issue, then, is also a good place to start. All in all, in order not to let the virtual reality industry manufacturers to inadvertently become the next fast play, it is imperative to improve the relevant system, the VR industry, as a whole, not limit, but to protect. Only let it grow, is the biggest injury.

VR产业无法绕过色情,分级制度势在必行 - VR,虚拟现实,色情产业 - IT资讯














而出于上述原因,色情产业除了会推动VR技术的进步,也会成为VR眼镜的购买动力之一。根据国外媒体报道,从2015年1月至11月,国外著名虚拟设备厂商,Oculus Rift和Oculus网站的2.7%参考流量来自色情网站。而需要配合手机使用的虚拟现实设备HoMIDo,该公司的更是有51.4%流量来自色情网站。这些数据都足以支持上述观点。所以,色情问题将会成为VR眼镜普及后的第一问题。当然,就个人而言,这个问题并不是问题,但是对于厂商来说,尤其是国内,就不得不考虑所要承担的法律风险了。






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