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published in(发表于) 2016/6/7 9:17:59 Edit(编辑)
18 year old boy bar electrocution: around were referred to as “coldly“,

18 year old boy bar electrocution: around were referred to as “coldly“,(18岁男生网吧触电身亡:周围人被指“冷眼旁观”,)



18 year old boy bar electrocution: around were referred to as "coldly"-electrical, Internet-IT news

Recently, social media circulated a video of the shocking and shoot the shock moments in liuzhou, Guangxi, a student in Internet cafes.

According to media reports today (6th) news, May 10, Fei Ngo Shan Road liuzhou within an Internet café, a high complement of a 18 year old student application on the Internet, connect your phone to the computer while charging, sudden shock, the student was, fell unconscious. 120 arrived, the students had died. Monitor has this amazing scene.

According to earlier reports, what has lead to electric shock or in the survey, the Internet cafes have been closed now. In addition, the Internet shock event occurs more than once. On June 21, 2015, similar to the Internet has a similar thing is also a young man electrocuted in Internet cafes.

The night of June 21, 2015, a 21-year old man in Fei Ngo Shan Road, liuzhou city, an Internet Café while surfing the faint was injured by electric shock when he was using the data cable connected to the computer to charge mobile phones. The man has been in the hospital that night. Afterwards, the two sides have reached a compensation agreement: bar 1000 Yuan of compensation.

The students in the Internet to charge mobile phones within cell phones

Electric shock moment, body straight backwards.

Boys next unplug the charging cord, Sparks on the floor.

Sitting in shock next to the boy the boy stepped forward to check status, and in and out of the run, looking for people to help.

Sitting in shock next to the boy the boy stepped forward to check status, and in and out of the run, looking for people to help.

Internet cafes may have involved enclosure leakage

According to the professional analysis, and high-current sources is likely to be leakage of the chassis. Normally, computer USB interface output is 5 volts, if no leakage occurs, less likely to have a strong current through the cables. Because of the cable near the plug usually prone to bending, so insulation here skin most susceptible to burn-through. Also, the students involved may be touching the ground barefoot, led current through the human body.

Regrettable is that if correct first aid measures have been taken at that time, the student may also be saved ... ...

The people around "the sidelines", there is no first aid awareness, also caused many users to deplore and questioned. Others said, other people may not know what's going on, so this has nothing to do with indifference.

User reviews

Experiencing electric shock do?

When you see the electric shock, not panicking, need to deal with it calmly. First of all, the casualty is separated from the power supply, and then start according to the situation. More first aid within a short time, and, the greater the probability of being resuscitated. Experiencing electric shock accident, we should take emergency measures:

Making the human body and live body

1, turn off the main power supply, pull the knife switch broken or pulled into.

2, if it is caused by electric shock, pull the plug.

3, use electrician pliers with insulated handle, wire cutting.

4, pulled on a charged body insulated from electric shock.

First aid

After the emergency when the casualty is out of power, and if conscious, makes it quiet rest if severe burns, should be sent to hospital for medical treatment. If the casualty is conscious coma, but there's a heart, the casualty should be supine, remove their clothing and, in order to facilitate breathing; the air to circulate around, close observation, and quickly asked the doctor to come to diagnosis, treatment or hospital treatment. If the casualty is not breathing, heart temporarily stopped beating, but has not really death, to rapid rescue breathing and chest compressions. Specific methods of operation and the steps are as follows:

The casualty supine on the Board or hard ground, unlock the collar, belt, makes the head backwards as far as possible, nose, prevent the tongue from blocking the airway. Hand guards again opened his mouth, remove dentures, vomit, mucus in the mouth, open airway. Then, holding up his jaw with one hand, other hand, pinch the nose, breathing approximately 2s, chest expansion was rescued; then relax the mouth, the nose, making it natural retracted chest, exhale about 3s. So again, blowing about 12 times per minute. If you cannot put the casualty's mouth opened, use mouth to nose artificial respiration. At this point, the air pressure should be slightly larger, slightly longer time for the benefit of air into the lungs. If the casualty is a child, only the small mouth blowing, so as not to damage to their lungs.

Video: (IT News Mobile client users who cannot view the video, please click here to view )

18岁男生网吧触电身亡:周围人被指“冷眼旁观” - 触电,网吧 - IT资讯


























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