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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/11 10:46:25 Edit(编辑)
Ali’s acquisition of UC: two focused companies together,

Ali’s acquisition of UC: two focused companies together,

Ali's acquisition of UC: two focused companies together-Ali Baba, UC-IT information Ali's acquisition of UC: two focused companies together

On June 11 morning news, announced today by the Alibaba group and the UC, UC as a wholly integrated into the Alibaba group and set up Ali UC mobile business group. UC you, as the Chairman and CEO Yu served as UC mobile business group President, and entered the group strategy Committee.

That afternoon, the internal communication at UC employees, Alibaba Group CEO Mr LU and Yu attended. Mr LU said welcomes UC into Ali's family. He said that in areas such as browser, UC "achieved perfection thing", is a truly expert. Ali's Group merged with UC, is both extremely focused companies in their respective fields of fusion.

Lu said that as with the UC, recalled Ali since the establishment of the 15, Alibaba is a focused company, B2B, go to Taobao, Alipay, cat, cloud computing, big data, and so on, the beginner's mind in order to help SMEs, "so there is no harder to do business", so that consumers have a more convenient life. "Will not be tempted to abandon the beginner's mind."

Co-founding Ali recently introduced business focus. In the past few years, Ali's continuing investment in cloud computing, is Ali is an important strategy in the future. Similarly, the data is also a persistent area of investment. Currently, Alibaba has grown large data technology is applied to advertising algorithms, user centered again, service system and other aspects of the data, however, at present, Internet companies, including Ali's use of data is only the beginning.

In 2014, the company presents "+ to the cloud" strategy. Recently, the "Amoy on the code" launch is "end" part of. As with UC, Ali on business investment and expansion in order to meet user needs, and focus on your business.

Lu believes that Ali has a strong business ability, but does not seek to commercialize. UC integration Ali, he said that "fully convinced that the UC team, believe in Vinh Phuc leads the team." The future, their integration, "just look at the money people know what real user experience".

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