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published in(发表于) 2016/6/4 6:50:11 Edit(编辑)
Malaysia orders for high-speed rail: high-speed rail competition in China and Japan after station,

Malaysia orders for high-speed rail: high-speed rail competition in China and Japan after station,(马来西亚高铁订单:中日高铁竞争又一站,)



Malaysia orders for high-speed rail: Japan high speed rail competition and one-stop trains, Malaysia-IT information

Japan's Foreign Minister Kishida Fumio June 1 with visiting Malaysia Deputy Prime Minister proposed when he talks, hoping to connect Malaysia and Singapore's maxingaotie plan with Japan's Shinkansen technology.

Just a week ago, General Manager of China railway company, Sheng guangzu in Kuala Lumpur said, hope and Malaysia strengthen cooperation on new high-speed rail.

Although Korea and France also showed horse new items as you wish, but Japan's Kyodo News Agency reported directly the irrepressible: Japan and China competing for high-speed rail orders!

"Many interested in bidding"

Maxingaotie 350 km long in the planning, the design speed of 300 kilometers, put into operation is expected to substantially reduce Malaysia's capital Kuala Lumpur and Singapore between commuting time, that is, approximately 5 hours to about 90 minutes from now.

The railway is one of the largest infrastructure projects in Southeast Asia, is expected to invest about $ 12 billion to $ 15 billion.

With so much, Japan Government is desperately. He visited during the day, Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on May 30 and Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister, Taro Aso hold talks with him respectively, conversations are all selling Japan's Shinkansen technology.

He responded vaguely. On June 1 for talks with Kishida Fumio refers only to, looking forward to Japan to participate in maxingaotie bid, but not to Japan can take the HSR form to make comments.

Meanwhile, China is conducive to competition horse new parties.

On March 21 of this year, China Railway Group Limited announced in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to invest $ 2 billion to build regional headquarters, where horses new horse in the planning of the Terminal.

On May 24, Sheng guangzu, visit Malaysia said, and hopes to further develop friendly relations and cooperation between the railway. China has advantages in technology, equipment, quality, safety is guaranteed.

In addition to the two countries, a interest in Ma new bid are France and Korea. Although bidding has yet to begin, but parties are already secretly wrestling.

"China has obvious advantages"

From the skills, experience and other considerations, China and Japan have become favourites of the competition. Singapore's Straits Times reported April 12, scheduled for the first quarter of 2017 for high-speed rail bidding, in the day's final showdown.

The Straits Times said Malaysia, as most of the routes in its territory and to bear the huge costs of Government more cost-effective, and more convenience in financing programme for China.

Of course, there were media reports said Singapore experienced in rolling stock and signalling systems Japan companies have goodwill.

Singapore Nanyang Technological University, senior fellow at the Institute of international relations of Hu Yishan told Xinhua said that the maxingaotie bid is nothing more than take into account two aspects--value for money and security.

"Japan Shinkansen operating for many years, the technology is mature, giving traditional impression is more secure. But high-speed rail in China came from behind to building speed, wide coverage and relatively cheap, "he said," Malaysia is currently competing. ”

He said, it is difficult to make a choice and repeated delays in construction of the project, one of the important reasons. Maxingaotie was scheduled to start in 2015 and running in 2020. For now, is expected to confirm the details until 2017, 2018 to begin.

"Geo-economic competition"

Starting from the high-speed rail in China go, Japan has been a strong opponent to shadow. Public opinion not to guess, business in China and Japan whether there were political factors behind the competition.

Hu Yishan believes that this situation cannot be avoided, "business investment should be separated from the relations between States, but very difficult in practice."

Observers have pointed out that, for China, MA new project not only of China's high-speed trains out of great commercial significance, and open up an important part of the Pan-Asian Railway, contribute to the realization of China "along the way" vision, strategic significance as a major.

And Japan, pushing iron technology is microcosm of the struggle for regional dominance, power generation, port and road infrastructure are areas of potential competition. Japan view winning projects in these areas will have some deterrent effect on China's development.

India scholar Bajpai on May 3 in Japan foreign scholars Web site said regional powers often use economic development to expand its regional and global influence, the most likely area of competition is the geo-economic.

He said in the article, recipient countries will be important beneficiaries of the competition, because they can be used in the rivalry between China and Japan, to fight for the most favourable conditions for investment.

马来西亚高铁订单:中日高铁竞争又一站 - 高铁,马来西亚 - IT资讯



























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