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published in(发表于) 2016/3/8 8:36:29 Edit(编辑)
Forced the popularization of Win10, where the Microsoft home user benefits? ,

Forced the popularization of Win10, where the Microsoft home user benefits? ,(强行推广Win10,微软置用户利益于何处?,)



Forced the popularization of Win10, where the Microsoft home user benefits? Latest version-Win10, iOS9,Intel-IT information

A few days ago, Microsoft announced on its official blog: "in the future, with the advent of a new generation of chip technology, only the latest Windows platforms can provide support. 'Kaby Lake' chip for Intel, Qualcomm '8996' chip, as well as AMD'Bristol Ridge' chip,Windows10 will be the only supported platform. ”

The introduction of this new policy has caused much discussion in the circle. A lot of people think: Windows10 of Microsoft's new deal will cause the user to get the best experience, Microsoft's move is in their own interest and does not take account of user interests and Windows10 just released at the beginning of the new deal which lets users upgrade very different hardware standards, Microsoft even induce, deceive the user component. But is this really the case? Throughout the questioning, I found them into three errors. One is: error to understand Microsoft's new deal; the second is: the minimum probability under the large sample size software upgrade Bug extended to poor overall user experience; it's: "for the upgrade of minimum standards and bring the best experience hardware standard" confuse the concepts stealthily.

First, the new deal is a Windows GUI?

Microsoft said the new deal "with the arrival of a new generation of chip technology, only the latest Windows platforms can provide support." Instead this is a what? In fact Microsoft's new deal, and its core is and has been upgraded to Windows10 users who carry old hardware doesn't matter, just has a new CPU that has a relationship but still like Windows7, andWindows88.1, users on these older systems.

The new deal means that Microsoft will not be developed for old systems such as Windows7/8/8.1 support for a new CPU, also means that the old system will not be able to get the best technical support and experience.

And here we can see that Microsoft on Windows10 use older hardware did not abandon, despite the PC user experience, Microsoft is not increasing Windows10 hardware requirements. Microsoft has this new deal is aimed at promoting Windows 10.

And Microsoft officials said, the new CPU performs better on the new system. For example, Intel has been released on the sixth, Skylake daikurui processor, running Windows 10 device can provide 30 times better than Windows 7 device double the graphics performance and battery life of up to 3 times. But under this performance gap, how can a new CPU and the number of users would like to use the old system?

Second, on the old PC, Windows10 experience exactly how?

As we all know, Microsoft integrated Windows 10 Windows 7 and Windows 8 advantages and fixed a lot of errors, familiar to users of the start menu back. And looking forward to new features and brings users innovative features. Intelligent Assistant, such as Cortana Edge browser, Xbox, and game series, task management, Windows Hello biometric technologies, Continuum model and Windows Store across the terminals and built-in applications such as the weather Outlook messages. Many innovative improvements make Microsoft announced that Windows 10 is the best Windows operating system ever.

But a lot of questions but I said two types of errors have been committed: the minimum probability under the large sample size software upgrade Bug extended to poor overall user experience . Examples such as "upgraded Windows10 has led to thousands of PC not running correctly, for users to collectively sue Microsoft" news reports as evidence.

But in the hundreds of millions in the PC, my PC unable to work can only be counted as a very small probability events. Here is not to say that thousands of PC users experience is not important, but subtle flaws in large capacity is inevitable, and Microsoft has also been providing system updates, fix the user encountered in the use of various issues. If only to very small probability of the event is to query the Windows 10 poor user experience, individuals considered to be untenable.

Windows10 how the user experience? Markets had already given the answer. Current market share has reached 13.41% Windows10, become the world's second-biggest operating systems while also creating a Windows system for fast penetration records. Although credited with free upgrade, but larger individuals of the reasons, I think it is Microsoft Windows 10 brings the actual user experience improvement. In the current consumer, media institutions under the discerning eye, if there is poor user experience, older PC hardware cannot support Windows10 good running, then the coverage of hundreds of millions of users is definitely not in just a few months to achieve.

While user satisfaction survey from market research company, then more users for Windows 10 system the strong evidence of satisfaction is quite high. Authority of IDC, a research firm in the United States according to a new survey found that not less than 30% United States Windows users have already upgraded to Windows 10 PC family, and it turns out, those users who already have Windows installed 10 operating system really love this product and will be happy to recommend it to others. Among them, the 60% use Windows 10 Windows 10 users claimed that happy or very happy using Windows 10. Only 10% users dissatisfied with the Windows 10 or very dissatisfied.

From another market-research firm Brand Watch social media users on Windows 10-based survey of online discussion, there are currently 92% users love Windows 10. Thus, users for Windows, a new system of user satisfaction is quite high.

Third, distinguish for the upgrade of the minimum standard of hardware and hardware to get the best user experience standards

Because of the misunderstanding of the majority of Microsoft's new deal, has led to the theory: Microsoft released Windows10 just released at the beginning of the new deal which lets users upgrade very different hardware standards, and such a great combination of Wintel, gap, gap leads to user experience gap, this is substance, regardless of the user experience.

But think: Win10 only with Intel, AMD processor, Qualcomm's latest case to get the best user experience and service support to Microsoft to withhold a "reset users disregard the interests of" hat is flimsy. If to talk about Microsoft's "reset users disregard the interest" is actually "available to upgrade the minimum hardware standards and hardware standards to get the best user experience" confused, in fact, concept confusion move.

According to question logic, my personal understanding is that require older hardware also needs to get the best user experience in the new system. But this point is consensus from the industry or from rational thinking is an impossible task. Correct posture should be a new system and new hardware for rigid-Flex offers the best user experience.

And this both in the Microsoft Windows desktop operating systems and is based on Apple's iOS and Google's Android mobile operating system, represented, is true. Asking old hardware products get the best user experience in the new system, not only not Microsoft, Apple, Google, too. To impose such a requirement on Microsoft personally think this is right, such a requirement is difficult.

With the current highly-Apple, each generation of iOS system pushed the previous generations of iPhone. IOS9, for example, he can either run in the latest iPhone6S, and will be able to run on old iPhone4S body. But obviously you can't have on the 6S in iPhone4S flow experience, more often accompanied by Caton, you won't be able to enjoy the 3D Touch, 4K, video, Live Photos of these new features. Configuration of the reason lies in the 4S are the minimum configuration requirements for the upgrade, and iPhone6s carries the A9, iOS9 new hardware is able to play all the energy, offers the best user experience for users of the configuration requirements.

IOS9 of run configuration requirements compared with iOS9 best experience requires, A9 's performance was far stronger than the minimum 4S chip performance, even iPhone6 compared, the performance gap is also evident. Apple is also propaganda: A9, compared with previous generations, it will overall CPU performance improves as much as 70%, even more alarming is that graphics processor performance was promoted as much as 90%.

And if to "old hardware in new system in the also need get best user experience" of measure standard view, apparently Apple is in bullying, iOS9 can play best experience of A9 chip and support iOS9 system of Qian generation iPhone by carrying of chip compared, has huge of performance advantage, but Apple in upgrade zhiqian also no told user in old of iPhone Shang run iOS9 and cannot brings best user experience, is in to free for stunt, Induce the user to upgrade and reset users disregard the interests, of the gap is still experiencing, ignored the essence of user upgrades. But is this really the case? Obviously that is not the case, the fact is that experience gaps due to hardware evolution brought about by efforts to improve performance.

New Wintel combination performance gap iOS9 and A9, the performance gap is one reason. Supports PAE and the NX and SSE2 1GB processor, contains the WDDM 1.0 driver, 16G hard disk space Microsoft DirectX 9 or later graphics cards, as well as display resolution above 800 x 600 size these are able to upgrade the minimum hardware requirements for Windows 10. Current new deal about Intel, AMD, Microsoft Qualcomm latest processor, you can have the best experience of hardware requirements.

Obviously for the upgrade of the minimum hardware requirements compared with the current mix of new Wintel hardware, the performance gap is evident, under this gap will bring experience gap, and this gap is enormous. But from the examples we can see that Apple and Microsoft as a "reset users disregard the interest" under certainly is not established. Experience gaps due to hardware properties of natural evolutionary advancement.

Requirements on old hardware to achieve optimal user experience consistent with the latest hardware, this is obviously irrational, is asking for is not scientific, is unworkable and hinder the progress of the new hardware to the real user experience improvement. If old hardware can provide the best user experience, and manufacturers take great efforts to research new chip is the point? Product how to divide up the low-end high school?

To sum up, the doubters said Microsoft's new deal is "reset user interests in total disregard of serious injury to the user benefits" views do not agree. Instead, think Microsoft is promoting users early to get the best experience of the new deal initiatives.

Windows10 compatible with the latest Intel, Qualcomm, AMD's latest processor can undoubtedly more manufacturers and developers with more stage, let them more cleanly excavated Windows10 system potential, bring a better user experience for users. The new deal, for the promotion of new hardware growth, reduce maintenance costs and improve the user experience has been beneficial, this OEM manufacturers, processors, manufacturers, developers and consumers is certainly a good news.

强行推广Win10,微软置用户利益于何处? - Win10最新版,iOS9,Intel - IT资讯

日前,微软在其官方博客宣布:“未来,随着新一代芯片技术的到来,只有最新Windows平台才能提供支持。对于英特尔‘Kaby Lake’芯片,高通‘8996’芯片,以及AMD‘Bristol Ridge’芯片,Windows10将是唯一支持的平台。”





而在此我们也可以看出,微软在Windows10上对使用老硬件的PC用户体验并没有弃之不顾,微软并不是在增加Windows10的硬件需求。微软这一新政的目的在于推广Windows 10。

并且微软官方表示,新CPU在新系统上表现更佳。例如在英特尔目前已经发布的第六代酷睿处理器Skylake上,运行Windows 10的设备可以提供比Windows 7的设备强30倍的图形性能以及最多3倍的电池续航时间。但在此性能差距下,试问又有多少拥有新CPU的用户还一心愿意使用老系统?


众所周知,微软在Windows 10上综合了Windows 7和Windows 8的诸多优点,修正了许多失误,让用户所熟悉的开始菜单回归。并且带来了用户所期待的新功能与创新特性。例如加入Cortana智能助理、Edge 浏览器、Xbox 和游戏串联、多任务管理、Windows Hello生物识别技术、Continuum 模式和跨终端的Windows Store以及内置诸如Outlook邮件天气等应用。种种革新改进让微软宣称Windows 10是有史以来最好的Windows操作系统。


但在数以亿计的PC中,千台PC的无法正常运行只能算作是极为小量的概率事件。这里并不是说着千台PC的用户体验不重要,而是在大样本容量下出现细微瑕疵是不可避免的,并且微软也在一直提供系统更新,修复用户在使用中遇到的各项问题。若仅以此极小概率事件就来质疑Windows 10的用户体验不佳,个人认为是站不住脚的。

而Windows10的用户体验究竟如何?市场其实早已经给出了答案。Windows10当前市场份额已经达到了13.41%,在成为全球第二大操作系统的同时也创造了Windows系统额最快普及率的记录。虽然免费升级功不可没,但是更大的原因个人认为还是微软在Windows 10上带来了用户体验的实际提升。在当前消费者、媒体机构等雪亮的眼睛下,若真是用户体验不佳,旧PC硬件不能支持Windows10良好运行,那么数亿用户的普及率是绝对不能在这短短的几个月内就能达到的。

而来自市场调研公司的用户满意度调查,则更用户对Windows 10系统满意度颇高的有力佐证。权威研究公司IDC在美国进行的一项新的调查发现,不低于30%的美国Windows PC家庭用户已经升级到Windows 10,而事实证明,那些已经安装了Windows 10操作系统的用户确实喜欢这款产品并会很乐意将它推荐给别人。其中,60%的Windows 10的用户声称高兴使用Windows 10,或者很高兴使用Windows 10。只有10%的用户对Windows 10感到不满意,或者非常不满意。

而来自另一市场研究公司Brand Watch基于社交媒体用户们对 Windows 10 的线上讨论的调查显示,目前有 92% 的用户相当喜爱 Windows 10。由此可鉴,用户对于Windows 这一新系统的用户满意度其实是颇高的。






以当前备受推崇的苹果来说,其每一代的iOS系统都可以推送给前面几代的iPhone使用。以iOS9为例,他既可以运行在最新的iPhone6S身上,亦可以运行在老旧的iPhone4S身上。但是很明显在iPhone4S上你无法拥有在6S上的那种行云流水的操作体验,更多的时候是卡顿相伴,你也无法享受3D Touch、4K 视频、Live Photos这些新功能。原因在于4S的配置是其可供升级的最低配置要求,而iPhone6s所搭载的A9芯片等新硬件则是能够发挥出iOS9全部能量,为用户带来最佳的用户体验的配置要求。

而iOS9的可供运行配置要求与iOS9的最佳体验要求相比,A9的性能也要远远强于其最低配置4S芯片的性能,即便是iPhone6与之相比,其性能差距也是显而易见的。苹果官方亦是宣传到:A9 芯片,与前代产品相比,它将中央处理器的整体性能提升了 70% 之多,更惊人的是,图形处理器的性能被提升了 90% 之多。


而新Wintel组合的性能差距与iOS9和A9芯片的性能差距是一个道理。支持PAE、NX和SSE2的1GB处理器、16G硬盘空间、包含WDDM 1.0 驱动程序的微软DirectX 9 或更高版本的图形卡、以及分辨率在800 x 600规格以上的显示器这些是能够升级Windows 10的最低硬件要求。而当前微软新政中谈及的英特尔、AMD、高通最新处理器,则是能够获得最佳体验的硬件要求。





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