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published in(发表于) 2016/4/25 8:37:29 Edit(编辑)
Beating yuantong express brother man surrenders: 10th fined 200 yuan in administrative detention,

Beating yuantong express brother man surrenders: 10th fined 200 yuan in administrative detention,(暴打圆通快递小哥男子自首:行政拘留10日罚200元,)



Beating yuantong express brother man surrenders: 10th fined 200 yuan in administrative detention-yuantong Express, express-IT information

IT information news on April 24, express little brother have been beaten events recently triggered heated-Internet. Shortly following the former SF shipped express scratch cars were slapping abusive incident, Xian one of yuantong express brother also had collided with the car, tortured by owners and beaten by bow right eyebrow bone and soft tissue laceration .

▲ XI ' an Hua Shang net exposure after the delivery brother photos

On 19th of this month, a Xian yuantong express small riding electric car was a silver car crash on the way, after car drivers and passengers on the same bus after beat courier over more than 30 boxing to escape, which resulted in the right eyebrow bone arch soft tissue laceration.

Today, the latest news from Xinhua perspective, bowing to public pressure, alleged beatings of suspects has returned from NSEC Xian Zhang, active surrender to the local public security organs.

Xian lianhu police law, Zhang made a "10th of administrative detention and a fine of 200 Yuan" punishment.

暴打圆通快递小哥男子自首:行政拘留10日罚200元 - 圆通快递,快递 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 4月24日消息,近来快递小哥接连遭暴打事件引发网络热议。继前不久顺丰速运快递员因刮蹭轿车遭掌掴辱骂事件之后,西安的一名圆通快递小哥同样因为与轿车发生碰撞,惨遭车主暴打致右眼眉骨弓软组织挫裂伤。





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