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Alleged fraud: United States young beauty rich and poor in one night,

Alleged fraud: United States young beauty rich and poor in one night,(公司涉嫌欺诈:美国最年轻美女富豪一夜变穷光蛋,)



Alleged fraud: United States the rich and poor in one night-a beautiful young woman Theranos startups-IT information

Capital market is never short of stories, there are two companies, used to be a handful of stars, now from the closed just a step away. The two companies are in the United States biotechnology industry, a veteran stem cell company StemCells, termination for development the overnight slump in share prices 80%; a start-up company is the main blood tests Theranos, due to alleged fraud in the core business, the company founder, America′s most Regal young woman of worth drop to zero.

Blood testing company founders: from $ 4.5 billion to zero and she only took one year

Regal Club members from hundreds of millions of dollars to penniless pauper, what way? United States blood test Theranos yilishabai·huoermusi, the founder of the company now have the final word.

As a start-up company, Theranos offers more than 200 kinds of blood tests, and low-cost, minimum charge of only $ 2.99, whether from the collection detection technology, or from the price side, compared to the traditional ways of the past, have a subversive meaning. The Atlantic Monthly last year invited 101 in Silicon Valley CEO, investors and members of the think tank "which a startup company will change the world? "The voting results show that Theranos company behind Tesla (as well as ailong·masike of other companies) in second place.

Theranos is the founder and CEO at age 32, yilishabai·huoermusi, is also a topical figure. In 2003, after dropping out of school at Stanford University, founded Theranos blood testing company from scratch, when she was 19 years old. From 2003 through 2015, Theranos win c-round funding, amounting to $ 45 million. Until 2013 until their blood test products, owns 50% shares of the company′s Holmes also began to emerge.

Published in Forbes in 2015 the United States women′s wealth, and Elizabeth shabai·huoermusi, with $ 4.5 billion worth of America′s young women.

But it was the smash hit "Goddess of blood", in Forbes magazine′s latest net assessment of the entrepreneur, billionaire was living down to zero. After each investment pool (app public: mjtzb2) Note that Theranos problems late last year by the Wall Street Journal exposed for the first time, and then become the focus. At that time reported that the company′s testing is not accurate results, most of its blood test and not by Theranos their own equipment, and the company is still trying to cover up this fact. More senior staff and explosive material, said Theranos instruments used only 15 regular testing. Since the news broke, Theranos company never explained how testing is done to the outside world, or how to provide data to support this process. Since the report is issued, the once valued as high as $ 9 billion company, lost its core business, shutting down one of its two laboratories, and perpetuation of government agencies in a steady stream of investigations and proceedings, Holmes is facing a two-year ban on blood testing business.

Holmes net worth to zero moves, Forbes magazine explained that Holmes′s wealth was based solely on her Theranos 50% stake in the company, but because Theranos clinical results is questioned, the valuation of the stake has been greatly reduced. Forbes after dozens of venture capitalists, industry experts, such as communication, come to the conclusion that: Theranos is valued at just US $ 800 million, mainly based on some of the company′s patent and before the $ 724 million in financing. If convertible into shares, with Holmes of 50% ordinary shares of the company, after ranking as preferred shareholders, therefore, he shares virtually worthless.

Stem cell company is StemCells:2000 billion dollars market value peak falls

The second company is a veteran--StemCells stem cell company, headquartered in United States, California, dedicated to the discovery, development and commercialization of stem cell-based therapies, treatment of the central nervous system, liver and pancreatic disease.

Agencies estimated that by 2020, global stem cell industry will reach US $ 400 billion industry compound annual growth rate of 34%. In this industry, established in 1988, listed on NASDAQ in 1992 and pioneer of StemCells. Most proud of, is from human neural stem cells in the adult brain, once the leading position in the industry. In April 2009, StemCells acquired the United Kingdom Stem Cell Science companies are consolidating the leading-edge companies in the field of human neural stem cells. After each investment notes, the heyday, StemCells are valued at more than 200 billion dollars.

But according to data compiled by Bloomberg, StemCells multiyear losses, ~2015 fiscal year 2013 fiscal year net profit of $ 25.9 million,-$ 31 million and $ 36.1 million, three compound annual revenue growth rate is-55.95%.

On Tuesday (May 31), StemCells publicly called, strategic choice and taking into account the current financial situation, the Board decided to approve the closing on the improvement of motor function in patients with chronic spinal cord injury of cell transfer phase II study, saying "no reason to" continue to study the changes of patients with early or discussed. For biotech companies that rely heavily on research and development, the message amounted to a stern warning, announced the same day, StemCells shares were down 81% and finally closed at its lowest price of us $ 0.57.

It is reported that the company plans for the company′s existing intellectual property rights and confidential business data to assess the HuCNS-SC cells and may be proprietary patents and transfer of other assets.

公司涉嫌欺诈:美国最年轻美女富豪一夜变穷光蛋 - Theranos,初创公司 - IT资讯











机构预计到2020年,全球干细胞产业规模将达到4000亿美元,产业规模复合增长率达34%。在这个行业,于1988年成立,并于1992年在纳斯达克上市的StemCells可谓先驱。公司最引以为傲的,是从成人脑组织中获取人类神经干细胞,一度处于行业的领先地位。2009年4月,StemCells收购了英国Stem Cell Science公司,更是巩固了公司在人类神经干细胞技术领域的领先优势。每经投资注意到,最鼎盛时期,StemCells的市值高达2000多亿美元。




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