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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/15 9:06:55 Edit(编辑)
Thanks to the Microsoft XP Service is stopped, Intel revenues soared once again,

Thanks to the Microsoft XP Service is stopped, Intel revenues soared once again,

Thanks to the Microsoft XP Service is stopped, Intel earnings again surging-Intel processor, Intel, Surface Pro 3-IT information Thanks to the Microsoft XP Service is stopped, Intel earnings surge again

Today, Intel released an official announcement, declared 2014 revenue surged once again in the second quarter, much higher than the expected performance. Zhiqian, Intel forecast revenues of $ 13 billion, and error is about 500 million; result trading update revealed that second-quarter revenue of $ 13.7 billion, error is about 300 million.

Why does Intel pay for themselves in as little as three months to increase revenue? Intel says it's all thanks to market demand for new PC computers, the most basic motivation comes from the Microsoft team-mates, which officially ended in April, Windows XP systems and technical services, "mandatory" requires users to upgrade to Win7, andWin8.1 a higher platform.

Many business users are often running Windows XP computer to XP retires, then buy new computers or upgrade OS for old computers. Escalated sharply this business users new hardware also stimulated sales of Intel chips and incomes rise.

In addition, Microsoft also launched a third-generation Surface Pro 3 Tablet combo, such as new equipment, native carried fourth-generation Intel processors and extend the market for Intel's chips. "Compilation:Neowin"

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