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published in(发表于) 2016/5/31 8:47:32 Edit(编辑)
TV plus stunning best selling sales data little risk fund enclosed means breaking the chain,

TV plus stunning best selling sales data little risk fund enclosed means breaking the chain,(乐视销量数据惊人热卖少,资金链被指存断裂风险,)



TV plus stunning best selling sales data little fracture risk-capital chain is accused of saving music, depending on the network-IT information

Sales breakthrough surprising little selling in the market. This contrast, as the network 2015 also clues revealed in the annual report.

Yangtze River business newspaper reporters found that TV plus net net profit attributable to the shareholders of listed companies last year reached 573 million Yuan, an increase of more than 57%. Investors dropped a pair of glasses is that net profit was able to increase the expense of a huge loss of minority interest income.

In addition, on May 27, a number of experts to the Changjiang daily reporters, through concepts such as ecology, called up investor interest, but with the "eco circle" continue to spread around, have an increasingly higher demand for capital, risk capital chain rupture-prone.

NET "red" behind the minority shareholders loss

See from the music, as the network annual report, 2015, as the network's operating income was 13.002 billion yuan, 90.89% compared with the previous year, attributable to the listed company's net profit of 573 million Yuan, an increase of 57.41%.

Net consolidated profit in the table, in 2015, as the network is only around 217 million yuan in net profit. Net profit is equal to the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies and minority interest income, it is easy to see, as the network minority interest income of about-356 million Yuan.

Yangtze River business reported reporter Combs found, in important of non-full funding subsidiary in the attributed to minority shareholders profit and loss losses of main has 5 home, which including Le depending on to new electronic technology (Tianjin) Limited (Xia said "to new"), and Le depending on network culture development (Beijing) limited, and Le depending on cloud computing, and Le depending on e-commerce (Beijing) limited and Le depending on sports culture industry development (Beijing) limited, belonging Yu minority shareholders of profit and loss respectively about for-302.8 million, and-510,000, and-40.11 million, and- 1.65 million and-10.84 million Yuan, minority ownership for their own 41.45%, 49%, 40%, and 40%.

Why minority interest income losses occur? On May 27, the investment adviser to the Changjiang daily reporter Xue Shengwen, a senior researcher, said: "interest behind this suspicion of conveying, appears as the network minority interest income loss, and huge loss of these minority shareholders the real pleasure in controlling per capita as the network behind Chairman Jia Yue Ting or are associated with music, as the network of the company. ”

The case of losses caused by the most serious new, new was founded in June 2012, the minority shareholder of 41.45%, respectively, depending on the holding (Beijing) Limited (about 21.67%), Beijing bei Mei Hong technology co (0.78%), Xin asset management (Tianjin) partnership (limited partnership, approximately 19%).

Report shows, in 2015, the new revenue is about 8.693 billion yuan, but was about-730 million yuan in net profit, 2014-386 million yuan in net profit.

Letv holdings (Beijing) Limited (hereinafter "holding company") the legal representative of the man-made Jia Yue Ting, Jia Yue Ting, Jia Yuefang shareholders by natural persons as well as corporate shareholder Hui Xin asset management (Tianjin) partnership and dawn asset management (Tianjin) composition of the partnership.

In response, treasury accounting qualification evaluation expert, Wang Fengjuan, a professor at Beijing technology and business University, said on the surface is the other minority shareholders ' loss, but in practice these minority shareholders control almost all the behind the scenes is Jia Yue Ting, by minority shareholders of subsidiaries of the giant loss to deliver huge profits to shareholders, make music, as the network's performance looks better, which can allow an increasing share price.

Pictures, excessive valuation or subsidiaries in blood transfusion

In the well-known business analyst, business angel investor Li Chengdong, music itself is selling hardware, but because it is not attractive enough, becomes through hardware to customer acquisition, and to promote membership fees are, although it is a hardware company, but tells the story of Internet companies.

As the network has released a notice, the company intends to issue shares and cash combined purchase company of Brothers music video pictures (Beijing) Limited (hereinafter referred to as "Le film") 100% equity. As the network of the cross-border mergers and acquisitions have raised concerns, excessive in a performance valuation with losses stirred up controversy in the community, while Zhang Yimou, Sun Li, Deng Chao, Huang Xiaoming and other surprise stake in movie and television celebrities are to ridicule.

On the eve of restructuring, depending on the net counterparty depending on the film and its shareholder equity change more frequently. On December 24, 2015, Le film controlling shareholder holdings soared from 214 million yuan of registered capital of 1 billion yuan, added registered capital of about 785.7143 million Yuan Jia Yue Ting in monetary form subscribed by shareholders, Jia Yue Ting's stake surged from 63% to 92.1%.

According to this plan, as it controlled the music as film stock trading on price forecasts up to 4,251,612,400 Yuan, Jia Yue Ting holding corresponding valuation is up to 3,915,735,000 yuan, but this increase access of pop music depending on the controlling stake of as much as 29.1%, valued at 1,237,219,200 trillion yuan.

And analysis people pointed out that, due to Le depending on pictures of holding shareholders for Le depending on holding, and Le depending on holding of holding shareholders for Jia Yue Pavilion, Jia Yue Pavilion and for Le depending on network of founder, and actual control people and big shareholders, and the merger of trading both for Le depending on network and Le depending on pictures, Jia Yue Pavilion through assault increased funding Le depending on holding actually achieved has indirect increased funding Le depending on pictures.

In other words, Jia Yue Ting December 2015 surprise capital increase depending on the holdings of the 785.7143 million, via the six or so estimated to reach 1,237,219,200 Yuan, floating profit 451.5049 million Yuan, an increase of 57.46%.

In addition, the stake transfer has failed to explain the reasons behind it, as the network restructuring plan is also suspected of hiding a major related rentals do not have a full disclosure. Song Qinghui Yangtze River business newspaper reporters, a well-known economist, said in an interview, increase suspected major shareholders of this assault assault shares, advanced layout target company, to shareholders "tunneling" suspected of capital increase or keep blemishes.

It is difficult to attract long-term users pay a membership fee

From video sites to televisions, mobile phones, cars and real estate, so a company that dabbled in many areas by attracting investors and partners?

Investment adviser Xue Shengwen told the Changjiang, a senior researcher said in an interview with the business daily, "attracted investors to inject is mainly based on the future prospects of good paint, adapt and conceptual. Depending on the investment involved in most of the areas are emerging, conceptual, even if its investment in some industries has come out of the bud, but still would use innovative concepts to attract investors. Letv mobile business smartphone market is essentially saturated stage in China, but through the ecological concepts, content and evoke the interest of investors. ”

"TV plus a involved in numerous areas of the company, its business model is mainly through mature businesses stimulate immature business, but not yet mature businesses to attract investment, constitutes an ecological chain between business, synergy. "Xue Shengwen, the benefits that business model innovation is strong, can have a greater attraction to investors, promoting brand image enhancement; larger advantage is that demand for funds, risk capital chain rupture-prone.

Song Qinghui, a well-known economist to the Changjiang daily reporter said: "involved in television, mobile phones, cars and real estate and other areas of the company, relied on by cheap customer acquisition, and then rely on the value-added service mode for something, for example not earned money from customers through mobile phone hardware, relying instead on depending on the user an annual membership fee. Letv is indeed a very good storyteller to attract investor capital into enterprise, but these were based on the stories the capital good, investors wish to use music as the ' story ' earn big bucks. ”

However, the Song Qinghui also pointed out that this business model benefits is the ability to attract a large number of users in a very short time, malpractice is "free hardware" or the company losses continue to expand. In addition, if the content is not featured, it is difficult to attract long-term users pay a membership fee.

For now, the profit is difficult. Well-known business analyst, business angel investor Li Chengdong admitted that video cost very high, including hardware sales are of the subsidies. Now do hardware selection of video content, there is no special advantage, each field in the input stage, relying on subsidies to support the hardware, may also be in a loss situation, only by constantly into new funds come in this story.

乐视销量数据惊人热卖少,资金链被指存断裂风险 - 乐视,乐视网 - IT资讯




























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