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published in(发表于) 2016/5/14 8:07:56 Edit(编辑)
United States captain of 3 box office victory over Batman vs Superman: man power, DC why hard to overcome? ,

United States captain of 3 box office victory over Batman vs Superman: man power, DC why hard to overcome? ,(《美国队长3》票房完胜《蝙蝠侠大战超人》:DC为何难敌漫威?,)



The American team 3 box office victory of the bats are super: man power, DC why hard to overcome? -United States captain 3, Avengers, Batman vs Superman-IT information

Man-Wai produced by United States captain of 3 World heat map, as of May 13, just a week after the release of the American team 3 global total revenue of $ 765 million at the box office, breaking the 1 billion just around the corner. Superhero new year this year, not only because of the beautiful 3, in March before the hit Batman vs Superman: manmi dawn of Justice also raised widespread concern and support. However, the bats are super ultimate global box-office receipts of $ 868 million, the $ 1 billion and hopeless, Warner and DC company to processing of the film why the man power, lost to the American team of 3?

This is the best superhero movie of the era. According to statistics, from 2014 to 2020, a total of more than 20 films super hero movie on the screen, each year there are at least three, but Wei, DC, 20th Century Fox, Sony in the layout their own movie universe. DC annual masterpiece of hopes, cost as much as $ 250 million of Batman vs Ultra: the dawn of Justice failed to break $ 1 billion at the box office worldwide, and is currently being hit by the United States captain, 3: civil war will continue to send, surpassing Batman vs Superman: Justice of the dawn of the world box office is a foregone conclusion. In all respects, Warner rush of good DC layout, perhaps early to bury this superhero movie race problems.

From Word of mouth to contrast, Batman vs Superman: the dawn of Justice's rotten tomatoes has dropped to 29%, ranked one of the reviews described the film: "Zack Snyder this boring disaster knock you unconscious. "Look at other media for the evaluation:

"War of the plot very confusing, the whole movie is like a super long trailer in order to pave the way of the Justice League after, of course, the film's Visual effects are excellent, especially the fight scenes, light and shadow weaving, fighting more pithily. "------《Indiewire》Eric Kohn

"While Batman and Superman battle completed the fans ' wishes, but kill them is open to hang in a wonder woman. "----The rolling stones Peter Travers

Man power, and the United States captain 3: civil war almost rave, after the early test screenings, film critics and media people have added to praise of the film:

Mike Sampson: the United States captain, 3: Heroes of the civil war's great, works better than the previous Avengers movie, I try not to mix it with Super bats were compared, but it is too difficult, the United States team had 3 successful because it made it super bats didn't do things: interesting.

Steven Weintrau: best fight scene of the American team 3 is absolutely explosive levels, as you want it to be, Spider-man style, the second, is probably the Ant-man.

Man-Wai film universe layout had 8 years of time, clearly the basis of movie-goers better

Man-Wai film universe layout for 8 years, mass basis is very important

Diffuse power in those years to create value and be successful at the box office, the movie creates amazing results in terms of the concept of the universe, and all of this happened in just 8 years. But less than 4 years 8 years compare to time Warner's film distribution in terms of time, or very long. At least viewers in the United States 1 and the American team 2, and after a series of works such as the complex of 2, would be very interested to see the American team 3.

Back in 2008, iron man first turned out to save the nearly bankrupt man power and deep valleys of little Robert Downey, man power, this film is the cornerstone of our success, but also reflects the development of the correctness of the strategy and vision of the long term, after the success of iron man, man-Wai began to speed up the construction of its own movie universe, poised.

And another side of DC in at seems to also no expected to neighbors diffuse Granville will rise of so quickly, and Nolan build of bat man series let super hero movie reached has zhiqian never of depth and seriousness, even not like is super hero movie of face, three Department bat man became fans heart of God for, also let Nolan seal God, a jump became Hollywood most has value and Director one of, but bat man series of success is does not on DC up to what too big role, in years Hou instead became DC of fetters, Constricting situation even led to its creation.

May 2012 's the Avengers is diffuse power moments of real power, the first phase of the single hero foreshadowing of power finally concentrated in the film, blast us $ 1.52 billion in the world, sitting on the world's overall fourth place in the table at the box office.

Looking forward to many years of bian Super battle, the result is not too fun

Warner and DC Quick Layout challenge, the bats are super tune up

On October 16, 2014, simmering the DC to repress, Warner announced that will be 2016-2020 for the next five years, rolled out the bats are super and the Sea King, the Flash, wonder woman, Batman and other 10 DC Comics adaptation of the film, while the man-power has entered the second phase of the movie universe.

So DC movie universe from layout Shang,, missed has overtaking diffuse Granville universe building of prime-time, let global audience gradually known a hero need time, especially bedding a hero team, each a Department single hero movie are is a hatch of process, due to missed has such of timing, DC only select in Superman: steel of body Hou released of important layout of for bat man war Superman: Justice dawn in the while squeeze into Superman, and bat man, and magic female man three bit giant, while also leads has Sea King, and lightning man, and Steel, in movie universe of second Department works in the on introduced so more role, for movie creation for is very adventure of, is DC of helpless of lift, because has no time with single movie continues to bedding universe has, and movie in height style, serious, dark of road also gradually line gradually far, in netting more by all and please mass Zhijian select has former, caused has film in diffuse fans heart status is high, but in mass and comments territories reputation bashing street of situation.

See obtained DC is efforts jumped prolapse Nolan of effect, does not tries to in-depth mining story in the all social and political problem, to full layout and established worldview heavy, but not denied of is, Nolan of bat man in fans heart caused of image has became has a species subconscious, that is to depth, also has general audience will to diffuse Granville of entertainment standard to view bat man war Superman: Justice dawn, and film obviously in entertainment Shang also than diffuse Granville, United States captain 3: civil war Reputation and box office victory again in DC in a quandary.

DC try with as not by diffuse Granville layout strategy of effect, so in TV of development and universe component Shang attempts to separate described, established multiple universe, movie and TV universe their independent, as reduced creation Shang of bound, simply, lightning man green arrows man, DC episodes created has a good of began, TV universe is health of development and began each other linkage has up.

Man-wai, although the aegis of FBI agents have been updated by the third quarter, man power, but senior has said that production of the new series is not very satisfactory, but from a fans perspective, drama and movie the effective linkage of their obsession with the universe which, once upon a time, Terrier, dug egg became one of the great pleasures of the film. Man power, but movies and television through the universe of strategies, lead in the plays the fetter of the dawning.

? X-style comedy of the contingent, DC movie universe is expected to draw a city

DC films dark, but there is still hope that rise

To sum up, man power, causes the DC Universe in the film to be reasons for pressing situation which is already quite clear.

One is the earlier failed to form a plan of building a movie universe, diffuse power to seize, man power, and through a number of styles of superhero movies in the hearts of viewers to establish a superhero movie should look like, could accept a DC style became more difficult.

Second, the Nolan Batman series of the success and the impact of the DC movie universe lingering shadow.

Third, the man changed, as movies, diffuse enthusiasts are trying to curry favor with the audience? From Batman vs Superman: the dawn of Justice, the work itself is more towards the former, but seems to be a tentative adjustments, perhaps depending on the situation in the next x-task force and the adjustment of the wonder woman again, added even more entertaining is the lack of humor in it.

The four, serious tone of the film, dark, realistic style, man power, with bright, bright contrast, coupled with the film is too long, even as many non-manmi (passerby) audience of a "nightmare".

Last, DC still will continues to towards this direction joined building himself of movie universe, as DC and diffuse Granville are like of fans, still on DC future of works have hope and confidence, hope DC can in above mentioned of four a aspects for right of adjustment, because Warner also didn't want to himself of movie just took to diffuse fans of's, but took to mass of, took to fans of, necessary of compromise also is need of, as long as can let DC movie universe became better.

2016-2020 film superhero movie schedule list (for reference only)

《美队3》票房完胜《蝙超》:DC为何难敌漫威? - 美国队长3,复仇者联盟,蝙蝠侠大战超人 - IT资讯




“大战的剧情非常混乱,整部电影也像是一款超长预告片,为了之后的《正义联盟》铺路,当然电影的视觉效果一级棒,尤其是打斗的镜头,光与影交织,格斗简洁有力。”------《Indiewire》Eric Kohn

“虽然蝙蝠侠和超人对战完成了粉丝们的心愿,但是电影中秒杀他们的是开挂的神奇女侠。”----《滚石》Peter Travers


Mike Sampson:《美国队长3:英雄内战》太棒了,比以前的复仇者联盟系列电影都要好,我试着不去把它和超蝙进行对比,但这太难了,美队3成功了,因为它做到了超蝙没做到的事情:有趣。

Steven Weintrau:《美队3》最精彩的战斗场景绝对是爆炸级别的,正如你们想的那样,蜘蛛侠大出风头,第二的,大概是蚁人吧。























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