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published in(发表于) 2016/5/21 9:44:52 Edit(编辑)
Baidu to do medical network platform

Baidu to do medical network platform(百度要做权威医学网络平台,)



Platform-Baidu Baidu to do medical network medical information-IT

Recently, a "medical science communication network platform," announced the upgrade and start. This platform is 2014, Baidu, the Chinese search, doctors and other similar structures of Wikipedia dedicated to medical science development and propagation of the Web platform. Baidu officials said the platform in less than 2 years, more than 10,000 disease entry Editor, publishing tens of thousands of popular science articles, more than more than 20,000 questions, more than 200 Complement popular science video. All of its content consists of three hospitals has high above or have a doctorate of medical professionals to create, update, and certification, maintained by a professional medical editors.

Baidu CEO Zhang stressed that the platform's authority, and credibility of science. Zhang said that the platform set 12 academicians, authority over more than 7,000 doctors in writing content. But considering how these professional the popularization of medical knowledge is more convenient, more grounded gas spread, Baidu to ground through three ways.

First, by Baidu mobile terminals, PC Terminal, VR, video, audio, animation contact up to user in various ways. It is reported that on the mobile side entrance, already on the mobile phone side doctor Baidu launched "certified doctor popular content creation and publishing columns. “

Second, Baidu in cloud computing, big data, advanced technology such as artificial intelligence, targeted, accurate, personalized medical science information reaches the target population.

Thirdly, the UPGC perfect content model, the formation of "open source, create, share" fields of medicine and health science the creation of ecological systems.

These expression Baidu to create an authoritative medical information network platform, Zhang said, "I want to take this activity to express the goodwill of Baidu, Baidu will be improved through technology, platform, allows you to see more concrete action. ”

百度要做权威医学网络平台 - 百度医疗 - IT资讯







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