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published in(发表于) 2016/7/3 6:08:55 Edit(编辑)
Lei takes 15 years to prove the value of millet: catch,

Lei takes 15 years to prove the value of millet: catch,(雷军要用15年证明小米的价值:放长线钓大鱼,)



Lei takes 15 years to prove the value of millet: the long haul-Lei, millet, IPO-IT information

In 2016, the summer Davos Forum, well-known finance red Xiaobo Wu seemingly has no intention of actually "millet when" bomb throwing Lei, Lei had "not listed within five years" the objective, but still cannot stop the public want to know more "hidden secret" curiosity.

Then, Lei delivered, said "in fact, millet patterns from founder knew that takes 15 years", Lei did not apparently Steve's reality distortion field, and a draught of pig theory 15, "mode" not some mysterious feeling. Even 15th century Seer Nostradamus predicted France revolution, but is unable to accurately predict the time of occurrence. Because the former is based on a practitioner's professional knowledge, while the latter is more like illogical God stick metaphysical theory.

Is the so-called bold assumptions, evaluate carefully, we might as well study on financing of the millet as a starting point, Lei so-called 2025 plans discussed in the end is a fool or a realistic background as support logic.

Millet since inception, conducted a total of six rounds of financing, which completed last December 2014 millet $ 1.1 billion in financing. That same month, millet technological spent 1.266 billion stake in the US group, but also because of the financial situation of the investment we have a glimpse of xiaomi: 2013 millet revenue about 26.583 billion yuan, about 347 million yuan in net profit, profit margin is only 1.8%!

But then the Wall Street Journal reported that, according to the millet for a loan document contents,2013 millet company net profit to 3.46 billion yuan, and data released by the United States risked while data released then millet said the United States is only millet millet group technology, and do not represent the whole group, millet 2013 annual revenues of 32.6 billion yuan. Then at least you can prove is: millet 2013 year of net profit is absolutely more than 347 million Yuan, but phones are profit margins .

Millet is already profitable, then melted huge motivation is worth consideration. First of all, 70% phone channels, and hunger marketing makes it unlikely channel inventory backlog. Secondly, the phone of demand to ensure a good digestion and procurement of mobile phone components. Overall, the millet are already profitable, and the inventory turnover ratio is very high, show that it has a good liquidity, their own business does not require substantial additional funding.

To allow millet where big money is called the ecological chain of investment, such as shares of American rice, investment China Science and technology (millet bracelet), purple rice technology (power) more than more than 50 millet chain enterprises can be predicted is in millet's thirst for large amounts of money, overseas investment accounted for a large chunk of. Has strong demand for funds in the strategic layout of millet's case, that 2015 is the best time to stock it?

Obviously not, because in 2015, the bottleneck of the entire mobile phone industry is in a slowdown, while market research agencies have substantially lower growth in global mobile phone sales, and market research agency Gartner says 2016 global mobile phone market will continue to be sluggish, 2016 global mobile phone sales are expected to drop to 7%, compared to 2015 is 14.4%. Environment, millet, without an exception, so the purpose is listing hard to get financing in the long term, the mobile phone industry is difficult to pick up, short-term the possibility is very low .

Not listed in the short term, 2015 millet were heard again fail to raise money, how to raise large sums of money for strategic investment? Millet launched "m financing service", namely, Internet equity raising way of conducting strategic planning, to achieve the effect of one or two ounces.

In addition, I Lei called "15 years justify millet model" very curious, why not 10, 20, and is 15? Only one can be found to prove that "15" is the primary source of Lei green company's annual meeting April 23, 2016, China entrepreneur Club speech, words like this:

In the United States lives of my fellow students, friends, I asked a few people, I say: you go to COSTCO? Most people answered, "I just went to COSTCO", was also said COSTCO did not sell I will go to other stores. Users become fans of all ... ... (Omitted here 10,000 words) took about 15 or 16 years to get the United States the trust of consumers, COSTCO last decade's business is booming.

As the Lei has been highly commended in retail businesses, COSTCO (Costco) for Millet's influence is reflected in every aspect, such as COSTCO focused on creating a single explosion, the combination of lower prices, procurement and private label brands, and so on, these millet can be found more or less. But on the core--membership in the COSTCO model, millet is in the right form and lost its spirit, as millet are missing is that there is a strong fan of sticky.

How to effectively improve the viscous fan? Upgrade viscous fan needs to improve the service experience in the first place, so as to establish brand loyalty, not millet fans known as the "price of loyalty". Second, improve stickiness is the most effective way to improve the user's replacement cost, both hardware costs and the cost .

This millet is now facing two major predicaments, offline channels open up and the explosions many copies, respectively, millet, ecological strategies of service .

1, and now, line Xia channel is was all phone manufacturers again attention up, early user for intelligent phone more care price, and with intelligent phone replacement tide, price is let is located in experience , such as phone of work, and material, and feel, and design and function experience Shang, these are need personally started to experience, and sale Qian guide can different user difference treats, upgrade has user of brand goodwill.

Secondly, with the advance of millet smart home ecosystem, through offline channels demo, to make the concept of intelligent hardware floor is all the more necessary, because the impact of the smart home is the natural way of life and philosophy, experience link is necessary.

2, since it is a smart home ecosystem, it necessarily requires a complete system of products covered . Smart home products linkage between millet was relatively isolated, fracture, among rare ecological advantages, such as millet IH rice cooker, kitchen utensils, eco-experience was in the kitchen of their faults, users still require a separate operation.

Offline channels and smart home ecosystem is obviously not accomplished overnight, in addition to the massive capital access, such as the location for offline channels, personnel training, decoration and the industrial chain layout, Smart Home technology incubation and so on, as well as training, take a long time before energy costs can form enough combat power.

In addition to the issues of financing, business model, millet's main business growth in trouble have in fact established, are major unfavourable international market and domestic market growth is slowing. As regards the analysis of the domestic market, there are many pearls of God first, and there is not a shortcoming.

Increment the global mobile phone market is Brazil, and India the Smartphone penetration is lower in developing countries, but millet cheap mode does not work in these countries, as millet is heavily dependent on Chinese characteristic--was very flourishing e-business, logistics systems and supply chain advantage.

Blend together and is flattened troubled, Internet e-commerce B2C model eliminates the middleman of the phone, that is, as much as possible to cut operating costs in the cost of goods, reduction ratio (ratio of price and cost of goods).

But these conditions were comparatively backward in infrastructure in Brazil and India are not available, as millet Vice President Hugo Bala said, Brazil logistics, tax burdens and high storage costs, making low price phone advantage is severely weakened, facing and other traditional channels of brand mobile phone costs.

This is millet patterns present another dilemma: a universal common pattern is not found . Millet mode is required to create a common framework, and according to India features, Brazil features such as localization. Of course, for higher gold content of the United States, Europe and other developed markets, siege of millet have, but did not land, across which is the issue of the patent, rather than a model.

As millet's main business phone support as well as its carrier of the core strategy, the level of sales will direct marketing of millet a series of strategic placement of final results, opinion, millet is the next step in how to maintain the existing stock of domestic cases products, brand personality; and foreign markets is how to copy millet patterns.

Taken together, the listing for a company mainly has two main functions: one is to raise huge amounts of money, and get a stable financing channels; the other is exit mechanisms for shareholder investor. But that prospect is based on enterprises with good performance, and under the premise of open market is very optimistic about its business model, it would be difficult to have a good valuation.

Therefore, millet listing does more harm than good in the short term, first of all, millet is still only a phone company, in the overall strategy has not yet been completed, all the speculation about its valuation does not reflect its maximum value, secondly, Internet equity raising way relieve the financial pressures of millet by strategic investment, meant listing its appeal is greatly reduced.

Of course, Lei was dare to shout out 15 years listed, actually proves from the side of venture capital, after all, long haul, profit maximization is their ultimate goal .

雷军要用15年证明小米的价值:放长线钓大鱼 - 雷军,小米,IPO - IT资讯




























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