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published in(发表于) 2016/5/3 5:49:02 Edit(编辑)
Programmer stayed up working overtime a month: the lungs into the “Hornet’s nest“

Programmer stayed up working overtime a month: the lungs into the “Hornet’s nest“(程序员熬夜加班一个月:肺部烂成“马蜂窝”,)



Programmer stayed up working overtime a month: the lungs into "Hornet's nest"-programmer, overtime-IT information

In order to "51" with family travel, Hao Peng Hankou IT engineers (not his real name) a month to stay up late to work overtime, a cold part of the lung into the "Hornet's nest".

35 years old Hao Peng who qingnian road, often work overtime program that it planned to "51" go travelling with my family. He is in otherwise good health, accidentally caught cold two months ago, some coughing, bought himself a bit of a cold medicine. Starting from late last month, he put his hands on the project done, overtime every night until the wee hours two or three, sometimes are too busy heoping himself to eat supper, there simply don't go home for several days. His cold is not good and complete, also ran a high fever for the last few days. He went to the clinic the injection did not get better, or chest pain, difficulty breathing, it boiled down to a downtown hospital.

Films found his chest containing two large shadow suspected lung abscess. Do the Bronchoscopy when doctors found in his windpipe a broad beans large break loca, the inference is violated due to bronchial lung abscess. "If the infection is not controlled, and will be further expanded, entire right lung might be necrosis ' scrap ', causing massive bleeding, respiratory failure and life-threatening. "Said Chen Baojun, Director of thoracic surgery.

The day before yesterday morning, doctors operated on him, open and see, most of the right middle lobe steeped in pus under worst dressed "Hornet's nest", 1/6 of the right lung will be necessary. At present, Hao Peng is still in hospital for observation and, if necessary, also in the tracheal stent plugging breaches.

Chen Baojun introduction, Hao Peng because cough fever lasting not more, causes severe infections of the lungs, long-term lung soaked in liquid, forming a "Hornet's nest of lung". Meanwhile, of purulent endotracheal secretions to escape through the gap, leading to a dangerous infection of Mediastinal. If you do not timely operation, lives are at stake.

He warned that the common cold generally good in a week or two, if more than two weeks there is no mitigation and improved, timely medical treatment. Need adequate rest after the cold, avoid staying up late.

程序员熬夜加班一个月:肺部烂成“马蜂窝” - 程序员,加班 - IT资讯







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