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published in(发表于) 2016/5/19 6:25:15 Edit(编辑)
Microsoft tired to feel love, Foxconn to revive the Nokia feature industry? ,

Microsoft tired to feel love, Foxconn to revive the Nokia feature industry? ,(微软累觉不爱,富士康要重振诺基亚功能机雄风?,)



Microsoft tired to feel love, Foxconn to revive the Nokia feature industry? -Foxconn, Nokia, function-IT information

According to foreign media reports, Microsoft announced on May 18, the company had the same Foxconn subsidiary Fu Zhikang HMD and Global agreed , would make its entry-level feature phones sold at a price of US $ 350 million of assets to the two companies.

How Microsoft give up Nokia's function?

In many people's eyes, functional machine has lost its industry position, smartphones are vendors promoting innovation ecosystem in the industry, it has already come to an end, and there is nothing new to consider, would no longer be included in their choices. And this is considered is the main reason Microsoft today to give up Nokia feature brands.

Although Microsoft sales in the mobile phone market is grim, but the reason for this is certainly not due to lack of market share. IDC report, in the third quarter of 2015, Microsoft produced revenues reached US $ 765 million Nokia features than Lumia Smartphone $ 754 million in revenue, and more.

And not long ago, Microsoft released sales figures showed total sales in this cycle out of the 2.3 million Lumia phone, and 15.7 million to other mobile phone, apparently less than the 24.7 million and 8.6 million a year earlier. And this, Windows phone revenues fell to $ 662 million.

However, it can be seen from the data, Microsoft's sales of other phones that feature is much larger than its Lumia phones. While, in many countries with high Smartphone penetration is not function is still the mainstream market, this market situation is also reflected in the old man and valued function standby time to work on the work group.

Since it is not poor because of market share, it is easy to put the blame on the uniform integration of Microsoft's mobile business. Because of the different nature of ecosystems, Lumia mobile and functional in many places cannot be reunification of the Microsoft business integration market vision, different manufacturing methods, different systems, different multi-extension, different groups positioned almost the whole of the full Microsoft mobile business, dragging its continuous innovation of ecological architecture .

And Microsoft purpose is is wants to through intelligent machine to again positioning himself acquisition Nokia zhihou of business branch, concentrate on Yu intelligent machine of products structure, despite intelligent machine in 2016 fiscal quarter compared dropped has 73%, it also does no gave up of momentum, and this is through its earlier to to Lumia phone way then gave up has wants to through Ann Zhuo strive to industry channel of x series phone Shang also can see.

Although gave up function machine business for Microsoft, may will is a does not too good of market choices, but separation has range of brand or can let Microsoft in intelligent machine of market Shang further, and zhiqian rumors, Microsoft also will in launched himself of Surface Phone, the stripping Nokia function machine business also may is to to it concessions, to in intelligent machine market to a second Act, save Lumia phone in market Shang malaise of status.

After the owners, Foxconn can fight this remnant?

In 2014, India only one-fifth people using smartphones, according to estimates by the Pew Research Center, including 7 African countries South of the Sahara, there are 65% people still in use, this does not say the products function in older age groups, the advantage of market penetration and may need to be propped up by its working population in additional markets. So the share of the market, functional machines still have a large market potential.

As for Foxconn, functions are also a good foothold in the market. Company profile in the manufacturing industry was extraordinary, but before the release of the InFocus brand in the Smartphone market and hardly made big waves in the market, and Foxconn have also admitted to make a Internet phone brand like millet.

To this view, Nokia function machine brand although lost has past of market treasures, but bear up has a good of promotion role also is enough of, and while, follow-up Nokia function machine of market exists also can for its Internet phone brand towards more of development time; from on the view, Microsoft stripping and to of personnel also can in mobile business Shang for Fuji Kang provides must of market help .

Foxconn has many years of manufacturing experience in mobile industry, despite the lack of a lot of Internet companies lack the software gene, but the buying Consortium to win the Nokia feature is easy, because it has its own production lines and to expand your thinking of diversified products. Also, since in the field of intelligent machines, but already saturated by smart phone makers Nokia features may also be mobile branch good hand cards, although it is not a smart pet rolled into product superiority, but Foxconn diversified way a good market Foundation.

For mobile phones businesses do not know much about Foxconn is testing the waters for the first time the smart-phone market is the main cause of the fiasco, but with Nokia brand and associated personnel also may to some extent these markets lack of rectification. So in a sense, Foxconn, Nokia feature in the hands of brand no matter which will have certain advantages on both sides, Foxconn has a fight this residual hand market base, and can be created in the market for a different feature brands.

Foxconn is expanding its own transition path, shortly before sharp, now win Nokia features brand reflects its focus for the transition, and disputes in the field of intelligent machine market smoke also can not burn its body for the time being.

In General, Nokia features is a good place to start whenever you want to do, Foxconn can turn global.

微软累觉不爱,富士康要重振诺基亚功能机雄风? - 富士康,诺基亚,功能机 - IT资讯

据外媒报道,微软于5月18日宣布,该公司已同富士康子公司富智康和HMD Global达成协议,将把旗下入门级功能手机资产以3.5亿美元的价格出售给上述两家公司。








虽然放弃功能机业务对于微软而言可能会是一个并不太好的市场抉择,但分离了繁多的品牌或可让微软在智能机的市场上更进一步,而之前传言,微软也将在推出自己的Surface Phone,此次剥离诺基亚功能机业务也可能是为了给它让步,以便在智能机市场来一个回马枪,拯救Lumia手机在市场上萎靡不振的现状。









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