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published in(发表于) 2016/5/16 7:31:48 Edit(编辑)
Secret College for the course: placing a reply to earn 15 Yuan,

Secret College for the course: placing a reply to earn 15 Yuan,(揭秘大学替课族:明码标价,答个到挣15元,)



Secret College for the course: placing a reply to earn 15-for the class, students, education-IT information

In the class for the "employer" shout "to" you can easily earn dozens of money! Now rising in universities "for the family." Compared to handing out leaflets outside the school, doing promotions, college students now bring "business" class. Chengdu College "for the family"? Tianfu Morning Post reporter on QQ search found, Chengdu, many colleges and universities also have "for the group", but for the price: run 15-20, substitute 25-30 (10-15), physical examination of 50 Yuan, other big test more than 100 ... ...

Marketing College "for the family" price

Tianfu Morning Post reporter on QQ search found that most universities around the country have "for the group". According to QQ Group prompted reporters entered a University in Chengdu for the group. Notice in the top of the Group indicated on the information about the fees and charges for the course: run 15-20, substitute 25-30 (10-15), physical examination of 50 Yuan, other big test more than 100 Yuan, and grade Assembly, Sun sports and other activities according to the substitute rate calculation, increase prices based on the price of 10 Yuan over the weekend. Even on the bulletin: "above prices float according to personal requirements".

Reporters observed that within minutes of the release requirements, someone will take the initiative to contact for details. In this group, college students looking for someone for the lesson of the course for physical education, physical examinations, courses, teachers and students of this course are not good, or not easy to inventory the number the number of such conditions in favour for the breed.

Except for the class, the reporter found that groups can also provide meals, fetching Express, attendance, examination and other services, are readily available. Group Member nickname had no real name, nickname for information such as what services are provided, and idle time.

For the classes for the students on courses earn 800 Yuan a month

Reporter through QQ Group, contacted the two sophomore students, respectively, is for somebody else's Yin Li (a pseudonym) and seek for the zhengfei (not his real name), and consult them on things for the lesson.

On college campuses, in addition to the QQ Group, paste it, public toilets are also points to the advertising messages for others. Yin Li said himself by publishing information contact QQ Group need for the students, then ask the specifications and prices. It is understood that the Yin Li on behalf of more than half a year. Was asked to initially joined of reasons Shi, he said happened to last semester of class compared less, free time nothing do, on active added into a "for the class group", "only need in class Shang answer to, zhihou on can do himself of things, then until class leave, such both can polished time, and can earned to money, and help to other people, was is in one fell swoop three have. "Yin Li said," I have to others for up to a month to earn 800 Yuan, can earn back almost a month's food costs, such a deal a good deal. ”

However, Yin Li said that own primarily for the public, like the names of specialized courses, classes, no one would order. "Course, all together, the teacher is not each students understanding, one can, but the small classes, specialized courses are not the same, although there are students out of a high cost, but is a school, teachers know their students small class, so little class is too risky . ”

Employers are reluctant to go to the public "in a daze" a waste of time

Since the Chengdu College "for the family" business hot market, then find someone to say it for courses students can also be numerous. Zhengfei Juniors this year say they find someone to take fewer classes, before it is introduced through friends, to find the people to help themselves.

It is understood that zhengfei starting from sophomore second semester started looking for others for the class and dormitory students in the semester when others who have already started looking for the course. "A sophomore physical education, are playing in the playground, jog, play boxing. "Zhengfei said because I think PE is not attractive, so I began looking for the first time for the students classes help.

Since looking for someone for the very first time without being discovered, zhengfei spend small amounts of money for someone to relieve not only on his own troubles, also allows students to earn money, two birds with one stone. Since then, zhengfei as long as they do not want to find the course on "part-time" students for the class . "I allow someone else to carry on the course are lectures, number of classes, teachers don't know each student, so basically no risk for the lesson. "For how concluded that courses on himself whether useful, zhengfei also has himself of a claims," public lectures, is in final of when just to simple back a back focus on can clearance of this class, completely without weekly are waste time to ' daze ', has these time can do many himself wants to do of things, with in class Shang ' daze ', also than find a ' part-time ' to money does. ”

According to zhengfei introduces his class, most of the students have had the experience of looking for someone for the class, but mostly looking for someone for the class are boys, girls rarely get for the class. And stranger every class helped students at that time, we all know perfectly well, "it is spending specifically requested ' for the course '". Zhengfei said: "I'm not like those students in the dorm playing video games, I don't want to play games, do not want to listen to those boring lecture in the classroom, I'd rather go to the study room, also reluctant to the optional course of public lectures in the classroom. ”

The stone of his mountain

In order to prevent truancy is also spelled in colleges and universities

Fingerprint to

Cheeloo University teacher Jiang Honglei and several teachers bought a fingerprinting machine, collect the fingerprints of students in the first class, after each lesson, students are expected to be fingerprinted to check in.

Photo face

Wuhan Institute of physical education teacher after each lesson, shoot students in the classroom photo, photos to the instructor after class, "face", root out the rebels.

Face recognition

Henan University of technology school of journalism and communication, broadcast professional, use "face recognition" for class attendance, the machine can be fixed in a position not only to use, can also move using, after attendance reached 100% by many netizens for "truancy prevention artifact."

Class vote

Sichuan University "class voting machine", this "artifact" can be called upon to register and answer, classroom scores. Each student will have a uniform number, enter their corresponding number in class, you know, this thought were broken by many students skipping classes.

Delivery envelopes

Vocational and technical college of Yangzhou School of Economics and management teacher Jiao Shiqi to attract students, students deliver red envelopes.

APP monitoring

Zhejiang Medical College at a cost of 100,000 yuan, spontaneously developed a "mobile classroom" APP, class, teacher directives as needed, students are required to take out a cell phone to take pictures in. Students take classes and taking again to upload two photographs, "mobile classroom" statistics of attendance.

In colleges and universities

Related provisions a dead letter unable to monitor

College students looking for someone for the phenomenon so hot, teachers really know nothing about it? Yesterday, the tianfu Morning Post reporter contacted a University's Advisory teacher. Teacher Gu: "in 2005 issued by the Ministry of education of the University student management regulations of the 17th article, students could not attend activities under the education plan, should leave in advance and approved. Unauthorised absences, according to relevant regulations, criticism, serious disciplinary action. ”

Miss Gu said the schools code of student handbook was developed specifically for the lesson, "but to the servant class, the school has no way of all to stop. "Miss Gu said, one large classes more than a teacher to give more than 100 students, and lectures a teacher who is not known, attendance is only conducted by roll call, questioning manner, so some students point to, answer questions, teacher is considered to be the student in the class, there is no way to determine whether the student for the course. Gu teacher says, "school is also aware that ' for the course ' appears, but there is no specific approach. ”

揭秘大学替课族:明码标价,答个到挣15元 - 替课,大学生,教育 - IT资讯

































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