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published in(发表于) 2016/6/10 9:35:27 Edit(编辑)
“Magneto“ and “Gandalf“ appeared in Beijing Subway

“Magneto“ and “Gandalf“ appeared in Beijing Subway(“万磁王”和“甘道夫”现身北京地铁,)



"Magneto" and "Gandalf" coming out of Beijing Subway-McLean, magneto-IT information

Sohu news entertainment news on 9th, a Netizen in the subway ran "Gandalf" and "magneto" actor Ian McKellen. Dialogue with the friends he has no star shelf smiling moderation people.

Yesterday's friends have found Ian McKellen appeared in the forbidden city and the summer palace. It is reported that Ian McKellen in Beijing will travel to Shanghai for the Shanghai film festival a few days later.

Ian McKellen (Ian McKellen), was born on May 25, 1939 in United Kingdom Milltown, United Kingdom film and television actor.

In 1961, after Ian McKellen left Cambridge, will join the performing arts profession. In 1968, he made his silver screen debut of the promise. In 1971, the Ian McKellen was elected to the United Kingdom actor member of the Association. In 1973, starring Ian McKellen at the Edinburgh Theatre Festival in Shakespeare's King Lear, received the outstanding performance award. In 1974, he was awarded the laolunsi·aoli Award for best actor. In 1981, with Ian McKellen in the Mozart show won a Tony Award. In 1991, the United Kingdom the Queen conferred knighthood. In 2000, he played in the x-men, "magneto". In 2001, he played the wizard Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and was nominated for the 74th Academy Awards for best supporting actor. In 2012 he in Peter Jackson's the Hobbit in 2013 and the Hobbit 2 went on to star in a corner of the grey Gandalf. On May 23, 2014, who starred in the x-men origins 2 release.

“万磁王”和“甘道夫”现身北京地铁 - 麦克莱恩,万磁王 - IT资讯



伊恩·麦克莱恩(Ian McKellen),1939年5月25日出生于英国米尔敦,英国影视演员。


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