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published in(发表于) 2016/5/16 7:31:35 Edit(编辑)
Network Privacy war: mayunwangjianlin spared,

Network Privacy war: mayunwangjianlin spared,(网络隐私之殇:马云王健林无一幸免,)



Network Privacy war: mayunwangjianlin spared-privacy and information security-IT information

"If our services or assets of part or all of the changes in ownership or control, and we may use your information to the new owner. ”

When the Internet company advocating "big data", "DT era" when the concept that few people care about who is going to protect user data problems. Even regulators, were ubiquitous on the present data black market environment, there is no way to effectively restrain the user data leaks from happening. Just two days ago, including dozens of Communist Party officials and business leaders ' personal information appeared on Twitter , including the famous Alibaba Chairman Jack Ma, Wanda Wang Jianlin, Chairman of the Group and his son Wang Sicong, Tencent Board Chairman Ma Huateng, millet Lei, the founder of the company and other Internet personal identification information or business leaders.

Imagine when these dignitaries, business tycoons are not immune, when each of us ordinary people and how? Below describes a scenario, although the article envisages the future hasn't happened yet bust, technology stocks tumbling, but don't forget that of the NASDAQ crash, not ever.

Imagine how when the Silicon Valley nightmare come true: the bubble bursts. Unicorn fall one by one. Used to scramble to use golf carts and brewed beer technology giants are busy attracting top developers everywhere to put out a fire.

The sight of this end of the digital economy, Berkeley long-term Security Center (Berkeley's Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity) researchers in a report released last month. They are based on the current trends in the State of online safety, five different scenarios have been deduced in the report, referred to above is the one that is most worrying.

Researchers wanted to know, If technology stocks fell sharply, in the world of Facebook and Twitter and what will be left? As a scrapped car can only be dismantled into parts, went to the technology behind the company's packaging, only the user data value may also.

In this report, the researchers imagine a development that eventually led to total collapse in the Internet era: start a Silicon Valley ("when we no longer have to try to change the world, but go for the 30 or so eligible Bachelors of technology products designed to produce? ") Followed by a large influx of developers in Asia. Then Europe started to impose more regulatory field of science and technology, the cost of "innovations" such as hot words began to roll his eyes. Eventually, once outside the field of science and technology of overseas events-a revolutionary, a controversial election-the impact of financial markets, collapse began. Technology stocks soon fell 90%.

Companies desperate to survive, by all means, sells has been carefully collecting user data--whether it is personally identifiable information, data on preferences, habits or hobbies, or documents dealing with national security. These have been kept, only data provided to paid advertisers, are attractive to buyers of legal and illegal – but would like to know who is buying these sensitive data and what are the reasons behind, is very difficult.

Last year in the New York Times top 100 website's analysis shows that, with 85 in the site's privacy policy, with this article and on the Facebook privacy policy, exactly the same content:

"If our services or assets of part or all of the changes in ownership or control, and we may use your information to the new owner. ”

If a social media like Facebook could not lawfully sell the data at hand, in order to reduce losses, it might want to sell the entire company. In the aftermath of the collapse of the world, potential buyers at the time of buying a company, probably the most important value is its data. It's like a company team of acquisition, but target into a huge, detailed data collection.

But not only are social networks, online shopping and other technology companies need to plan for such an outcome. Almost every company with user data, no matter in what form, to stay out of it. Even I served this publication is clearly stated in the privacy policy, sales, mergers and acquisitions or bankruptcies will result in the transfer of personally identifiable information records. (It is important to note, the magazine is mainly owned by the Subscriber information, and social network for people to share massive amounts of data cannot be compared. )

Even the doomsday does not happen, there is also evidence that master data-rich company would do something like that. When RadioShack declared bankruptcy last year when one of the listed company's asset sale is the database containing millions of customers for more information. Provoked protests from multiple sources: AT&T and Apple claims they are the legitimate owners of the data, in the United States some States, authorities warned the sales figures may be in violation of State law. The Federal Trade Commission is also involved in the dispute to the Court suggested that RadioShack should only to "continue to be engaged in the same business field" company sales data. Acquirers should continued to be bound by the privacy policy, that is, consumers in to RadioShack share the privacy provisions of the personal data. The Federal Trade Commission says that if buyers want to use data for other purposes, it must first obtain the consumer's consent.

Federal Trade Commission, there have been similar moves before: in 2000, the Committee about a Web site, that the site acts of obtaining data. That lawsuit, so many companies in their privacy policy, added the articles relating to the sale of data.

Although the Federal Government will monitor major retail giants practice in handling consumer data and technology companies, but if the crash that day, when valuations high and get a large amount of data companies are racing to sell when the Federal Trade Commission is on may be counter-productive. If there is a day, after the bubble burst when technology companies will disappear, or take your data away.

网络隐私之殇:马云王健林无一幸免 - 隐私,信息安全 - IT资讯





这一幕数字经济末日的景象,来自伯克利长期数字安全中心(Berkeley's Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity)的研究员们上个月发布的一份报告。他们基于目前在线安全状况的趋势,在报告中推演了五种不同的场景,上文所述的是最令人担心的那一个。











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