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published in(发表于) 2016/7/21 8:48:05 Edit(编辑)
SOFTBANK CEO Masayoshi Son: ARM architecture chip shipments will reach 1 trillion years,

SOFTBANK CEO Masayoshi Son: ARM architecture chip shipments will reach 1 trillion years,(软银CEO孙正义:ARM架构芯片年出货量将达1万亿颗,)



SOFTBANK CEO Masayoshi Son: ARM architecture chip shipments will reach 1 trillion years-Softbank, ARM, son-IT information

According to the financial website MarketWatch reported that CEO Masayoshi Son of SOFTBANK Group (Masayoshi Son) said on Thursday that within the next 20 years, years of ARM architecture chip shipments will reach 1 trillion. Masayoshi Son, an activity which was held in Tokyo on Thursday, said: "within 20 years, global annual shipments of ARM architecture chips will reach 1 trillion stars, ARM can immediately collect all data in real time. ”

? SOFTBANK CEO Masayoshi Son

Masayoshi Son said, ARM architecture chip shipments of about 15 billion last year, this means that the average ARM to provide every person on Earth with two chips . "This Super Intelligent will be able to understand and predict rapid, agile world. This technology also helps analyze diseases and natural disasters, "he said.

A press conference on Monday announced the $ 32 billion takeover of ARM, Masayoshi Son, said the deal marked the SOFTBANK and society are "paradigm shift" (Paradigm Shift), is for cars, refrigerators and other day-to-day networking interoperability demand a bet. He said on Thursday, SOFTBANK will concentrate on three areas: artificial intelligence, intelligent robots, as well as the Internet of things.

ARM has been putting more resources into chip design of Internet of things, for example light bulb using a small chip, capable of storing energy information, and transmits it to the Internet.

SOFTBANK also announced that SOFTBANK will jointly with Honda Motor for the drivers to develop artificial intelligence system. SOFTBANK said both sides plan to develop dialogue with the drivers of the cars will be able to use system, sensors and cameras information to know the driver's mood, combined with the vehicle's own interactive.

Honda ready to set up a development center in around September. "Honda's car will be able to understand the feeling of love," the son said. He believes that love is the most difficult to learn emotional AI.

软银CEO孙正义:ARM架构芯片年出货量将达1万亿颗 - 软银,ARM,孙正义 - IT资讯

据财经网站MarketWatch报道,软银集团CEO孙正义(Masayoshi Son)周四表示,未来20年内,ARM架构芯片的年出货量将达到1万亿颗。孙正义周四在东京举行的一个活动上表示:“20年内,全球ARM架构芯片的年出货量将达到1万亿颗,ARM能够立刻收集所有实时数据。”



在周一宣布320亿美元收购ARM的新闻发布会上,孙正义表示这桩交易标志着软银和社会正进行“范式转移”(Paradigm shift),是对汽车、冰箱等日常设备网络互通需求的一次押注。 他在周四表示,软银将专注于三个领域:人工智能、智能机器人以及物联网。




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