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qq published in(发表于) 2015/6/7 0:39:49 Edit(编辑)
Report: online fraud, adolescent boys are more likely to fall,

Report: online fraud, adolescent boys are more likely to fall,

Report: online fraud, adolescent boys more vulnerable to scams-IT-network information

On June 5, the rule of law in national cyber security awareness week theme day 2015 published on youngsters ' safety analysis report, juvenile victims of Internet fraud are reported in January-April this year all male victims are almost 4 times times the girls.

Reports show that from January to April this year, Security Center had received Internet fraud report 6211, where young persons under 16 reported a total of 124, accounted for all the Internet users made a total of 2% in 2014, representing a rose 0.2%.

Among them, the note is, the boys were of online fraud losses more than thousand Yuan per capita, the number of male victims is almost 4 times times the girls. Data show that in the adolescent victims of Internet fraud, boys 79.8%, per capita losses 1769; girls accounted for 20.2%, loss of 729 Yuan per capita. Online fraud risk to adolescent boys than girls.

Adolescent victims of Internet fraud are reported at all, the youngest was only 11 years old. 14 years old is a dangerous period, report number from this age started to increase sharply. Young people under 16 years of age with a high incidence of Internet fraud, 59, 48% per cent of all the reported number of teenagers.

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