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published in(发表于) 2016/5/6 7:53:53 Edit(编辑)
Google in these 12 areas other than technology companies are good,

Google in these 12 areas other than technology companies are good,(谷歌在这12个方面比其他科技公司都出色,)



Google in these 12 areas better than other technology companies-Google, Android, Google maps-IT information

In 1996, Google was just a research project. Its founder, Sergey Brin (Sergei Brin) and Larry page (Larry Page) almost sold it for $ 1 million, because it interferes with their schooling. Now, Google is nearly ubiquitous. If you′re not trying to avoid Google products or services, then you are probably using its services. Market competition is much fiercer than before now, but Google′s service is always to do better than their peers. Here′s a look at what Google has done better than any other technology company.

Google Google′s digital assistant Now is useful in many ways. Google Now lets you get a lot of useful information without having to search. It will automatically tell you all kinds of information, such as commuting traffic conditions, delays, weather, calendar alerts, sports scores, parcel tracking information as well as news of interest to you, it will also introduce you around you may be interested in tourist attractions and restaurants. It than other intelligence Cortana Siri assistants such as Apple or Microsoft to be more active.

Google′s map service Google Maps has the latest position, location and public transport data. It can even help you bypass the traffic jam section. Apple Apple Map Maps has been greatly improved, but it still trail Google map Google Maps.

Best embody the Google Nexus smart phones to smartphones and Android operating system design concepts. They are more powerful than most of the competitors better, and cheaper. Samsung, LG, HTC and most other mobile phone companies have different Smartphone, Nexus is the purest of smartphones equipped with the Android operating system. Nexus smart phones without annoying from the wireless operator pre-installed applications, because they are sold directly by Google, usually cheaper than other high end Android phones.

Android operating system is in many ways superior to the iOS operating system Android 84% market share, iOS only 13.5% of the market share. In many respects, Android is better than the Apple iPhone and iPad powered by iOS better. For example, the Android notification and setting more management than iOS. Relative to the iOS, Android and more personalized. It allows the user to pass through small sets to produce significantly different results, for example, could shut down the Android cell phone animations, which greatly improve the speed of it.

Google cloud storage service Google Drive offers 15G free storage space than any other cloud storage service provides free storage space.

Google′s Office suite is the ideal partner of Google Drive cloud storage services, is also a good choice for a free alternative to Microsoft Office suite. Google′s free Office suite including Google Docs, Sheets, Slides and Forms. They provide all the features included in the Microsoft Office suite. Also, you don′t have to install any Google Office software, because you can use them directly from the Web browser software. You can use them even without being connected to the Internet.

Google Google Photos photo storage service can back up all of your photos, and storage service does not have storage space, completely free of charge. Google Photos and a great search function, it can search based on certain features in the photo. For example, if you want to find pictures of your cat, you just need to search for "cat", Google Photos will show you all the cat pictures. Similarly, if you want to search for contains a geographical location, a person, or an object of a particular activity photos, you can also search directly.

Google′s new Chromecast is the company for your TV to create the cheapest video media player, priced at only $ 35.

Google Chromecast Audio device lets you turn any speaker into a smart wireless speakers.

Google′s video site YouTube is still the most important video site on the Internet. Watch and upload videos on the Internet is concerned, nothing can be comparable to the YouTube Web site.

MVNO Project Fi anyway not at Google is the most widely used mobile operator. However, it allows you to only pay for the traffic you use, this pricing system worthy of all operators. Google′s Project Fi only charge $ 20 per month fee gives you unlimited calls and send and receive text messages. If you pay 10 dollars a month, you can increase the 1G of the month of data traffic. However, if you use only one month the 1G 600M in the data flow, and then for the rest of your unused 400M data traffic, Google will return your $ 4. In short, you pay only for the data you use.

Also, Google is still the best search engine. Just did very well in certain aspects from the other search engines, but Google′s search engine is excellent in every respect.

谷歌在这12个方面比其他科技公司都出色 - 谷歌,安卓,谷歌地图 - IT资讯

在1996年,谷歌还只是一个研究项目。它的创始人谢尔盖·布林(Sergei Brin)和拉里·佩奇(Larry Page)差点就将它作价100万美元卖了,因为它干扰了他们的学业。现在,谷歌几乎无处不在。如果你没有刻意地规避谷歌的产品或服务,那么你现在很可能正在使用它的服务。现在的市场竞争要比以前激烈了很多,但是谷歌的某些服务始终要比同行做得出色。下面来看看谷歌在哪些方面做得比其他科技公司更出色。

谷歌的数字助手Google Now在很多方面都非常有用。Google Now可以让你不用搜索就获得很多有用的信息。它会自动告诉你各种信息,如交通状况、上下班车延误情况、天气、日历提醒、体育比赛得分、包裹跟踪信息以及你感兴趣的新闻,它还可以推介你周围的可能让你感兴趣的景点或餐馆。它要比其他智能助手如苹果Siri或微软Cortana更积极。

谷歌地图服务Google Maps拥有最新的方位、地理位置和公共交通数据。它甚至可以帮助你绕开交通阻塞路段。苹果地图Apple Maps已有了很大改进,但是它仍然赶不上谷歌地图Google Maps。



谷歌云存储服务Google Drive提供15G免费存储空间,比任何其他云存储服务提供的免费存储空间都大。

谷歌的办公套件是Google Drive云存储服务的理想伴侣,也是免费的可替代微软Office套件的不错选择。谷歌的免费办公套件包括Google Docs、Sheets、Slides和Forms。它们提供了微软Office套件所包括的全部功能。而且,你不必安装谷歌的任何办公软件,因为你可以直接从网络浏览器中使用这些软件。你甚至不必连接到互联网上就能使用它们。

谷歌照片存储服务Google Photos可以备份你的所有照片,而且这种存储服务没有存储空间限制,完全免费。Google Photos还有一项很棒的搜索功能,它可以根据照片中的某些特征来进行搜索。例如,如果你希望寻找带有你的小猫咪的照片,你只需要搜索“猫”,Google Photos就会给你呈现所有带有猫的照片。同样地,如果你想搜索含有某个地理位置、某个人、某项活动或某个物体的照片,你也可以直接搜索。


谷歌的Chromecast Audio设备可以让你将任何扬声器变成智能无线扬声器。


谷歌的虚拟运营商Project Fi无论如何算不上是使用最广泛的移动运营商。但是,它可以让你只为你使用的数据流量付费,这种价格体系值得所有运营商学习。谷歌的Project Fi每个月只向你收取20美元的基本费用,就可以让你无限制地接打电话和收发短信。如果你每个月再缴纳10美元,就可以在当月增加1G的数据流量。但是,如果你在一个月中只使用了这1G数据流量中的600M,那么对于你剩下的尚未使用的400M数据流量,谷歌将会退还给你4美元。简而言之,你只需为你使用的数据流量付费。


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