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published in(发表于) 2016/5/12 7:15:40 Edit(编辑)
The Yin flourishes graduation photos! Only 1 boy in the class,

The Yin flourishes graduation photos! Only 1 boy in the class,(最阴盛阳衰毕业照!全班仅1名男生,)



The Yin flourishes graduation photos! Class 1 boys only-graduation picture, college students-IT information

On May 12, and the graduation season in a twinkling, for those about to enter the society of students, it can stay in school don't have much time, according to tradition, Tan graduated from the graduate.

Recently, a set of graduated from Zhengzhou University SIAs International University Internet hit. Because users @ beat you are not innocent is innocent in a published set of graduation, all 63 people on his 1 guys!

It is understood, the user is coming from Zhengzhou University SIAs International College English teachers ' 2012 class, is said to be the class monitor. When you initially apply for the professional, he was probably aware boys language may be less, estimated that never thought of is that after entering the class, really he is a boy!

Of course, many netizens expressed envy for the boys, but it was also noted that, he was a boy, and even help the skip sign in, and stayed in the Middle girl, words will also be affected.

(Source: Tencent sports)

最阴盛阳衰毕业照!全班仅1名男生 - 毕业照,大学生 - IT资讯






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