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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/8 8:35:11 Edit(编辑)
Moto,G to suppress the Android machine price,

Moto,G to suppress the Android machine price,(Moto,G,为打压安卓机价格而生,)

Moto g to suppress the Android machine prices-Moto and G,Moto, Motorola-IT information Moto g, born to suppress the Android machine price

December 7, according to foreign media reports, a recent analysis report, Google's newly sale Moto Motorola mobility g Smartphone , its profit margin is significantly lower than the rival product. This may be putting pressure on manufacturers such as Samsung, Apple.

TechInsights research company estimates that storage space for Moto 16G g cell phones, its component costs $ 123. This product sells for $ 199 without contract.

Analysts said more costs can be taken into account, the profit margin of the product does not exceed 5%. Motorola spokesman said that "every piece of equipment we sell to make money. ”

Contrast, the analyst firm considers midrange series Samsung mobile phone margins at around 20%, and 28% for high-end flagship Galaxy S4 's profit margin. Apple iPhone5sprofitability at/5C per cent and 30% per cent respectively.

Sell their products with thin profit margins could bring tension to the industry. "Samsung don't want to give up Android platform, but if Google put in fire, something that can't," TechInsights, analysts say.

Samsung spokesman declined to comment.

Dennis, Chief Executive of Motorola mobility · wood Zed (Dennis Woodside) previously had said, rival products and prices are high. Ever since the Google acquisition of Motorola, due to the slightly lower prices, the company's operating loss at about $ 2 billion.

Samsung is victim to Motorola's low price strategy. According to estimations in the market, Samsung is the world's number one mobile phone brands, accounted for 31.4% in the third quarter. Samsung's operating profit more than two-thirds parts from a mobile device, and the company controls almost all Android mobile phone manufacturers ' margins.

Analysts also said that Motorola is not the only factor of price pressures. China's fierce market competition reasons should not be taken lightly.


Moto G,为打压安卓机价格而生 - Moto G,Moto,摩托罗拉 - IT资讯
Moto G,为打压安卓机价格而生

12月7日消息,据国外媒体报道,近期一份分析报告指出,谷歌旗下摩托罗拉移动新近开售的Moto G智能手机,其利润率明显低于对手的产品。此举可能会给三星、苹果等厂商带来压力。

研究公司TechInsights估算,存储空间为16G的Moto G手机,其组件成本为123美元。这款产品无合约的售价为199美元。


对比来看,该分析公司认为三星中端系列手机的利润率在20%左右,而高端旗舰版Galaxy S4的利润率则为28%。苹果iPhone5s/5c的利润率分别为30%和35%。



摩托罗拉移动的首席执行官丹尼斯·伍德赛德(Dennis Woodside)之前曾表示,对手产品的价格过高。自从谷歌收购摩托罗拉以来,由于产品定价略低,该公司的运营亏损在20亿美元左右。




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