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published in(发表于) 2016/5/6 7:55:51 Edit(编辑)
Shenzhen suddenly thousands of drivers account was blocked, said the audit exception information to the last drop,

Shenzhen suddenly thousands of drivers account was blocked, said the audit exception information to the last drop,(深圳数千司机账号突然被封,滴滴出行称审核异常信息,)



Shenzhen suddenly thousands of drivers account was blocked, said audit exception information to the last drop-drop, drop ride, drop-IT information

IT information news on May 6, yesterday Shenzhen, thousands of drivers accounts suddenly being closure to the last drop, drops interpretation routine regulation, review exception information.

A few days before the Shenzhen teachers take a drop hitch was robbed , exposing security vulnerabilities caused public concern. Dripping it is reported that the suspect was using software to display only the last four digits of license plate holes, forged the mantissa the same false number plate crime, now drops a taxi software has been changed to display all the license plate information. Sources said, the clean up was what and driver homicide-related.

Drops on account closure drivers responded by saying the move was a routine treatment, "in order to provide users with better service, drop platform has always been to strictly manage the drivers, at regular intervals on the platform license (vehicle) information there are exceptions, and reminded the drivers of service quality issues on the platform and the. ”

Drops says it will soon open a key passenger emergency alarm, track sharing features, as of last night are still not yet in use, said it would ground as soon as possible to the last drop.

深圳数千司机账号突然被封,滴滴出行称审核异常信息 - 滴滴出行,滴滴顺风车,滴滴 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 5月6日消息,昨日深圳数千名滴滴司机账号突然遭到封停,滴滴方面解释是例行整治,重新审核异常信息。




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