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published in(发表于) 2016/5/2 8:23:20 Edit(编辑)
You have a letter from Google founders letter

You have a letter from Google founders letter(你有一封来自Google创始人的信,)



Do you have a letter from the founders of Google-Google, YouTube-IT information

Each year, the Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin to write you a letter. This year, they were invited for the first time Google CEO Sundar Pichai wrote, interpretation of Google's strategy and vision for everyone. Would like to know what were the highlights in the letter? To find out what.

To hear what Google founder said ...

Last August, I announced the creation of Alphabet and published the new structure of the company, while also sharing my thinking on the future development of enterprises. Alphabet development, I am very pleased, and admire the Sundar as the new CEO of Google's performance. Because Google has focused the majority of our effort and hope, I wish here to Sundar's largest space show the success of Google, to share his vision. The future, Sundar, Sergey and I will be here to share our understanding of the present situation and future development of the enterprise, so stay tuned.

--President of Alphabet, Larry Page

Then look at the idea of Google CEO ...

Google's mission

For years, Google has persisted since its inception in 1998 on the set of mission: "to organize the world's information for everyone to have access to and benefit from. "This mission is also now becoming more real and important.

Search and support: to meet people's desire for knowledge

In order to make information and knowledge are available to everyone, the search has always been the core of our business.

Now, people want more localized content, more in line with current information, they want only moved fingers can get it all. So we are working hard to make these possible, allows you to easily search the [Oscar Leonardo DiCaprio movie] or [Zhai card virus]. You can also Google Now get the answer you want, don't even need to ask to get the answer.

Next, you will be able to naturally through Google's various services, and based on your environment, situation and needs the help, at the same time, we will respect your privacy and protect your personal data.

The power of machine learning and artificial intelligence

Our long-term investment in machine learning and artificial intelligence, so that you can search by voice information, conversion between different languages, to filter out spam in your mailbox, and find Photos and in "embrace" related photos ....

For many years, we are committed to build the best artificial intelligence teams and tools, some recent breakthroughs give us the opportunity to do more. This past March, DeepMind research AlphaGo defeated the legendary go player Li Shishi, becoming the most complex since the invention of the game of go, the first beat professional chess players program. No exaggeration to say that this affects this ancient game of go, the ultimate victory belongs to us. Next, in all aspects of artificial intelligence to assist us, ranging from complete day-to-day tasks as well as travel, to the final resolution of the more important challenges, such as climate change and cancer diagnosis, will be another important stage of development.

Provide more quality content in more places

We strive to be the YouTube and Google Play into finding and effective platform to deliver high quality content, allowing users anytime, anywhere, on any screen to watch premium content from the creators and developers. Currently, the Google Android users Play covered more than 1 billion. YouTube is also the preferred platform for watching video, over 1 billion users per month access to the YouTube Web site. In addition, YouTube is one of the most downloaded mobile apps of the year.

In fact, people long when watching videos on YouTube has achieved sustained rapid growth, of which more than half of the watch time from mobile. The future, we are committed to providing YouTube users with more choices and make them more ways to interact with other creators and users, and more access to premium content. To this end, we launched a YouTube dedicated applications such as Kids, and launched the YouTube Red subscription service, allowing users to enjoy ad-free viewing experience. In addition, users can also enjoy high quality YouTube Music experience, watching from the PewDiePie, Lilly Singh and other well-known YouTube creator's original film and television drama.

Powerful computing platform

With the powerful computing capabilities of processors and sensors become more compact and cost-effective mobile phone, a portable supercomputer, has been developing rapidly. Android operating system furthered the popularity of mobile phones. Currently, the Android system has more than 1.4 billion monthly active users, and this number is still continuing to expand.

In addition, as the screen applications extended to automobiles and wrist, Android Auto-vehicle systems as well as Android Wear-wearable platforms came into being. In addition, virtual reality also showed astonishing potential--Google Cardboard has more than 5 million users to unparalleled, vivid, and educational experiences, showing the unlimited potential of virtual reality.

Looking to the future, "device" concept and we drift away. One day, various shapes of computers will be in all aspects of our lives, playing Intelligent Assistant role. The world from the "mobile first" becomes "artificial intelligence priorities."

Service for the enterprise from the beginning, Google cloud services and investing in infrastructure, data management, analysis tools, and artificial intelligence. At present, we have developed a large number of categories and the increasing number of products, such as Google public cloud (GCP), Google Enterprise apps, Chromebooks, Android, Google Analytics, image recognition, speech translation, map and data set support user services such as machine learning. Our customers, such as Whirlpool,O'Lakes, and Spotify, are using Google apps and Google cloud platform services such as enterprise-grade productivity tool for business transformation.

Our long-term investment in the development of machine learning and artificial intelligence-supported products, and to improve the way people work. In the future, your mobile phone will be able to automatically extract the correct documents, planning meetings and follow up the progress, notify you can arrive, draft text message reply and can handle your expenses, and so on.

Services for everyone

For technology to be able to serve everyone, is always our aim .

But to achieve that goal, far more than simply the introduction of product or enabling local country domain names, to be much more complex. Poor infrastructure makes hundreds of millions of people around the world through Internet contact with the outside world. That's why we're going to make $ 50 a Android phone or $ 100 a Chromebook notebook. Is why this year we launched route guidance is available offline. Even on slower connections, people can quickly load and flow Google search.

For us: technologies, not only is our equipment or products, because that's not the ultimate goal. Technology is a force for democracy, and the information it provides, is a source of strength. And Google is an information company, since its establishment, always adhere to the original intent, has never changed. Meanwhile, the use of information, also continue to amaze me with inspiration.

你有一封来自Google创始人的信 - 谷歌,YouTube - IT资讯

每年,Google创始人Larry Page与Sergey Brin都会给大家写一封信。而今年,他们首次邀请Google CEO Sundar Pichai执笔,为大家解读Google的发展战略与愿景。想知道这封信里有哪些亮点?来一探究竟吧。



-- Alphabet总裁,Larry Page

再来看看Google CEO的想法…





如今,人们希望更多本地化的内容,更多符合当下情景的信息,他们还想要仅动动手指头就能获得这一切。所以我们正在努力使这些变为可能,让你轻松搜索到[奥斯卡影帝莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥电影]或[寨卡病毒]。你也可以通过Google Now获得想要的答案,甚至不需要去问就能得到答案。






我们努力将YouTube和Google Play打造成为发现与传递优质内容的有效平台,让用户能够随时随地,在任意屏幕上观看来自创作者和开发者的优质内容。目前,Google Play覆盖了超过10亿的Android用户。YouTube也是人们观看视频的首选平台,每月有超过10亿用户访问YouTube网站。此外,YouTube还是年度下载次数最多的移动应用程序之一。

事实上,人们在YouTube上观看视频的时长实现了持续的快速增长,其中超过半数的观看时长来自于移动端。未来,我们致力于为YouTube用户提供更多选择,让他们以更多方式与创作者和其他用户进行互动,并以更多方式获取优质内容。为此,我们推出了YouTube Kids等专用应用程序,并推出了YouTube Red订阅服务,让用户享受无广告的观看体验。此外,用户还可以享受优质YouTube Music体验,观看来自PewDiePie、Lilly Singh等知名YouTube创作者的原创影视剧。



此外,随着屏幕应用扩展至汽车及手腕,Android Auto车载系统以及Android Wear可穿戴平台也应运而生。此外,虚拟现实技术也展现出惊人的潜力——Google Cardboard已为500多万用户带去无与伦比、生动逼真,且具有教育意义的美好体验,展现了虚拟现实技术的无限潜力。


为企业服务Google从一开始就从事云端服务,并投资开发基础构架、数据管理、分析工具及人工智能。目前,我们已开发出类别众多并不断增加的企业产品,如Google公共云(GCP)、Google企业应用、Chromebooks、Android、Google Analytics、图像识别、语音翻译、地图及支持用户专用数据集服务的机器学习等。我们的用户,如Whirlpool,O'Lakes以及Spotify等,正在利用Google企业应用套件与Google云平台服务等企业级产能工具来进行商业转型。






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