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published in(发表于) 2016/8/9 14:19:41 Edit(编辑)
Man owes a lot of money, “pence“ Alipay, lied about account theft to fraud of 700,000 yuan,

Man owes a lot of money, “pence“ Alipay, lied about account theft to fraud of 700,000 yuan,(男子欠巨款“碰瓷”支付宝,谎称账户被盗欲骗保70万元,)



Man owes a lot of money, "pence" Alipay, lied about account theft fraud paid 700,000 Yuan-po, insurance-IT information

Owing a huge amount of debt, had lied about PayPal account theft, attempted to defraud insurance companies 700,000 yuan loss. Recently, the case of Hangzhou, police uncovered a suspected insurance fraud on the Internet, temperature has been the prosecution of suspects arrested.

People warm is a generation, he has a decent job and income, but ran up huge debts after a "pence" Alipay's mind. Wen found that PayPal had "security risks" to purchase this insurance covers only needs one or two Yuan, if PayPal account theft, insurance companies can be full compensation, the maximum pay 1 million Yuan. Holding luck, Wen said some call PayPal customer service phone your account "stolen", and insure against security, requires insurance companies to pay compensation. Wen said "rogue" 5 month multiple times using your own PayPal account, bought more than 900 multiple game cards, a total amount of more than 700,000 yuan.

After receiving the reflected, Alipay will be fed back to the insurance company. Insurance company review found the cases more, immediately reported the case to police in Hangzhou.

Alipay launched a joint investigation by the police in Hangzhou. PayPal through artificial intelligence and data technologies, to analyze the temperature an account transaction for several months. Evidence shows that more than 900 times the so-called "fraudulent" behavior and temperature of a daily habit is very much in line--that is, his own actions a strong possibility, stolen is very unlikely.

Meanwhile, online visits, police discovered that temperature owed a lot of money, people around you also said Wen had a gambling habit. Online fixed and field row below the line touches the evidence chain, Hangzhou police confirmed the final temperature is not PayPal is stolen, but fraud. According to the police, on July 28, the temperature of a Hangzhou xihu district people's Procuratorate approved the arrest.

According to Chinese criminal law article 198th, high or low depending on the gravity of the crime and the amount of insurance fraud and sentenced to a fine, the amount involved is especially huge or other especially serious circumstances, shall be sentenced to 10 years or more.

男子欠巨款“碰瓷”支付宝,谎称账户被盗欲骗保70万元 - 支付宝,保险 - IT资讯







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