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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/15 21:55:42 Edit(编辑)
Smart phone the spell or something? Battery! ,

Smart phone the spell or something? Battery! ,(智能手机最该拼啥?电池!,)

Smart phone the spell or something? Battery!
-IT-battery information Smart phone the spell or something? Battery!

Smart phone now has became many people everyday life in the not missing of important component, we with it to call, and sent SMS, and photo, and listening music, and Internet, and play game, even Office and so on, in enjoy smart phone brings of all convenience of while, has a problem always let we concerns was, that is phone battery of life force, currently most smart phone of battery using time are is a days about, Let us use the phone when I had to watch again and again what remains of the battery's power and fear of dead battery, inconvenient for themselves.

So, competition has entered the Smartphone's hardware configuration to level off now, the battery will no doubt become the next battleground of many smartphone makers, United States Forbes website author on this subject are analyzed, the following is the main content of the article.

There is no doubt that smartphones are 21st century one of the most useful piece of equipment, but this powerful device has a fatal flaw – battery, "a full day" almost every Smartphone has become the "standard", even at this "cell phone batteries-phobia", once the handset battery below 10%, began around looking for plug solve charging problem. This also makes mobile power markets at the same time became popular in recent years.

And past of features sexual phone different, smart phone by plays of role not only just called and made SMS, we also will with it to playing game, and landed Facebook, and download new application, and navigation and view Email wait, phone has in-depth to people daily of all corner, regardless of is car Shang also is work in the, even is bed Shang and tub side Shang, are can found phone of shadow.

Data processing capacity and capabilities of smart phones has now reached a very high level, but the battery has always been a very obvious bottlenecks, especially in the 4G network, Smartphone battery drains very quickly, so that future which handset manufacturers to solve the battery problems, holds sway over the entire mobile phone industry.

Imagine if cell phone battery in about 5 minutes of time to fill, then dismissed the last concerns of people on the Smartphone, I think people will spend more time on the phone, cell phone location will become even more important in people's lives.

Capacity is currently the low battery capacity of key issues for today's smart phones, high-speed Internet connectivity, GPS, Bluetooth, NFC, Flash and big screen are power "large taxpayer", handset vendors cannot effectively solve the problem of time, consumers can only buy their own external power supply for a rainy day, this is exactly why hot mobile power markets.

Latest mobile phone sales data show, there have been many users due to power consumption issues plan to abandon Android and select iOS devices, or even just return to the camp of the feature phone, cell battery shutdown occurs at a critical moment, after all, it's rather make people upset things.

Lucky of is, has has many phone manufacturers began research new of battery technology has, including small solar, and action battery and graphite Ene battery wait, future these technology are will in must degree Shang improved phone battery of endurance capacity, which graphite Ene battery used revolutionary of battery technology, not only storage power high, and charging time odd short, can will number hours of charging time compression to short not to a minutes, this battery is expected to for throughout phone industry brings change.

All in all, the battery has become one of the major bottlenecks for the development of the Smartphone industry, with further increases in hardware configurations, mobile power requirements will continue to improve, how to prolong the time of cell phone batteries, will be the mobile phone manufacturers in the next few years in strict attention and unanswered questions.


智能手机最该拼啥?电池! - 电池 - IT资讯












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