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published in(发表于) 2016/5/2 8:22:46 Edit(编辑)
Nokia, President of technology: no return to the cell phone market, bullish on digital health

Nokia, President of technology: no return to the cell phone market, bullish on digital health(诺基亚技术部门总裁:不会重返手机市场,看好数字健康,)



Nokia, President of technology: no return to the cell phone market, bullish on digital health-Nokia mobile phones, Nokia-IT information

According to the online edition of the Financial Times reported, EUR 170 million acquisition of France after the Withings, Nokia will develop a series of main health and fitness tracking of consumer electronics devices, and will not return to the cell phone market.

Last week, Nokia acquisition agreement with Withings. Which produces smart watches, cameras, weight scales and blood pressure monitors, health tracking equipment.

Nokia, President of technology lamuqi·haidamusi (Ramzi Haidamus) is responsible for company strategy. He told the financial times that, he hopes to build digital health market, "the global leader" and restore the glory of Nokia as a consumer brand.

Nokia want to stand in the forefront of the next wave of technology. In 2014, in mobile phone business more than 20 years before selling to Microsoft, Nokia has always been innovators and leaders in the mobile market.

Monitoring health of networked devices are popular, but many non-health equipment featured fitness function. Haidamusi says, "we used to help people communicate with each other, now we want people to pay more attention to their health. ”

Haidamusi said Nokia's goal is more than just tracking data, also provides health-related services and applications, the major United States market.

Haidamusi said the device's brand name has not yet been finalized.

According to the agreement with Microsoft, Nokia can return to the mobile phone market after a certain period. Haidamusi categorically denied the possibility of Nokia back into the mobile phone market, saying "phone for us in the past." He said Nokia Smartphone brand licensed to other manufacturers, but the company has yet to find a product suitable for the brand's manufacturer, "If you find the right partner, it is an option. But this is only one possible, and we will not risk their own brand. "

Nokia new products associated with the acquisition of Withings. Which will soon launch a configuration with e ink screens, battery life up to 8 months of fitness Tracker, as well as a thermometer.

Withings CEO Cedric the Enter ? Hutchins (e c DRIC Hutchings), said the company has "compelling product launch plans".

Nokia also launched a virtual reality camera for professionals, this product by analysts is expected to become a big market.

诺基亚技术部门总裁:不会重返手机市场,看好数字健康 - 诺基亚手机,诺基亚 - IT资讯



诺基亚技术部门总裁拉姆齐·海达姆斯(Ramzi Haidamus)负责公司设备战略。他向《金融时报》表示,他希望打造数字健康市场的“全球领头羊”,恢复诺基亚作为消费类品牌的荣耀。







Withings首席执行官赛德里克·哈钦斯(Cédric Hutchings)说,公司有“令人信服的产品发布计划”。


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