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published in(发表于) 2016/5/2 8:22:18 Edit(编辑)
Guangzhou finance guarantee Association members in cooperation with P2P-ban, it tube? ,

Guangzhou finance guarantee Association members in cooperation with P2P-ban, it tube? ,(广州融资担保协会禁会员单位与P2P合作,管得住?,)



Guangzhou finance guarantee Association members in cooperation with P2P-ban, it tube? -Guarantees-IT information

Security industry in Guangzhou are cut off from the P2P cooperation to prevent risk contagion. Guangzhou finance guarantee Association recently published the Convention on the prohibition of the city secured financing companies in the P2P network platform business notice (hereinafter the notice). Of the notification for the first issue a request to the credit guarantee Association members cut off security companies work with P2P. The circular points out that P2P network prone to illegal fund-raising, and prohibit the financing companies in the P2P network platform operations.

Association: ban for P2P security

Recently, the country risk events are frequent P2P network platform, platform consolidation efforts have increased around P2P network, to stop P2P platform for new registrations. P2P Internet platform prevailing high interest rate returns, false item, false propaganda, pools and other irregularities, prone to risks such as illegal fund-raising.

This background Xia, Guangzhou financing guarantees Association of notification "in national level on P2P platform regulatory rules official issued Qian", proposed has three items "ban", including: ban for P2P network platform provides financing guarantees, and litigation preservation, business; ban financing guarantees company and shareholders, and associated party holding or shares P2P network platform; ban P2P network platform as financing guarantees company of funded shareholders.

In fact, viewed from the P2P industry, credit guarantee companies close cooperation with P2P. One P2P platform head said, practitioners within see, financing sex guarantees company and P2P of cooperation main through two species form exists, a is financing sex guarantees company for P2P platform of project for increased letter, once project appeared problem, by financing sex guarantees company for ahead of honour; II is P2P platform of project by financing sex guarantees company recommended, through P2P platform for financing, and on project provides guarantees.

Business model based on the two forms of cooperation between P2P and guarantee companies, many actually exists on the equity relationship . Guangzhou Finance Association, said Fang Song, President of the Internet, there is a considerable part of the P2P platform established by the guarantee corporation directly or indirectly, equity relationships with associated security company also see it from the surface, easy to confuse investors.

Association issued a binding to be seen

Guangdong southern financial Academy-General Xu Bei believes that credit guarantee company shares or participating in P2P real business is prone to moral and business risk, but the fact that many powerful financial holding group or financial groups of the same shareholders controlling more than one licence. How to define and control this type of institution, really test the wisdom of regulators.

It is reported that the Association of the notification for the first request to the financing guarantee members cut off security companies work with P2P. Fang Song believes that file, is to prevent the risks of financing companies and other financial passed to P2P.

"Member of the Industry Association issued a binding is difficult to judge. "Credit Association, Guangdong Province, Xu Shiming said in an interview yesterday, with a new online now the platform with four warranty companies the existence of cooperation, one of the security companies is financing guarantee company in Guangzhou, but business has not been affected .

广州融资担保协会禁会员单位与P2P合作,管得住? - 担保 - IT资讯











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