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published in(发表于) 2016/4/27 6:25:40 Edit(编辑)
You should never put a bank card Pocket! ,

You should never put a bank card Pocket! ,(千万别把银行卡放裤兜里!,)



You should never put a bank card Pocket! -Fraudulent bank card, China UnionPay Flash-IT information

From Apple to Pay bank cards with Flash function, convenient payment experience in our daily lives-gradually-without a password, gently placed on the card reader, just a few seconds to complete the payment.

Meanwhile, bank cards stolen brush is very common, so we also preparedness skills align. But unexpectedly, even tight carry bank cards in his pocket, the stolen information is instantaneous!

What's going on?!

Instant read card information such as the ID card

Legal evening news journalist prepared a have Flash capabilities of bank cards, a security expert homemade card readers, as well as ancillary receiver and computer. Reporters noted that the homemade receiver is only the size of a bank card, only at one end by a few mm thick chips and antennas.

Put it on a bank card reader, about the same time, the card owner's information appears on the computer screen. Contents include the cardholder's name, identity card number, last 10 times, cash, transfers of consumption records.

Reporter and 6 other Bank-issued "Flash" cards were tested found that ID is not a "must-have" information, but through consumer records "mosaic" cardholder spending habits, even income levels is not that difficult.

5 cm-wide Wallet Pocket can also read

In order to verify that the card reader's "power", reporter reader "stop" at the top of the card, test the maximum reading distance. Found in two fingers thick, which can be read by nearly 5 cm or less; 5 to 6 cm with occasional signal; greater than 6 cm, no blockage is difficult to receive a signal.

But almost no one directly on the card table/Office read, usually a bank card in your wallet or card in the package, or at least put it in his pocket. Can this block data from being read then? Conclusion is negative.

Regardless of how many other cards or cash in the wallet, or purse on what kinds of clothes, separated by layers of cloth, as long as the card from the card reader is less than 5 cm, almost everyone can read.

Experimental Flash cards with a journalist in the wallet in a Pocket, attach a wallet card reader scans only slight sensation and in very short time. Or focus on cell phones in public places, so touch is not easily noticed. In addition, in the experiment, the security expert in gloves is hidden in the card reader, because of the small volume, if you do not see the Palm has the result of processes, are hard to find.

Security: a thin layer of tin foil can work

Look at the results, it seems that the banks hidden card to the inside of the bag, or "unstoppable." And, if those cards, "deep", and also lost the "Flash" of convenience.

To this end, the experts told reporters that as long as the purse on the interlayer of a thin layer of tin foil, can play a role in isolating signal.

Millions of records! The privacy password that leaked just leaked!

Journalists make unannounced visits, and a man named "old Yang" who caught the line. Yang shows a bank card reader (8000), brush on a bank card in the Replicator, the card information into a line-by-line code to appear on a computer, and a password.

Time journalists, copy the information to the other bank card on a bank card, takes only a short ten seconds.

Later, reporters receive a bank card information held inside. Among them, Shanghai depositor information of 38,000, 17,500/Shanxi savers, 150,000 in Shandong, Zhejiang 40,400, covering almost all the country's provinces, all of the cities, but banks around us, these leaks together all of millions of bank card information.

This information from the bank card number, card balance, a bank card password, date available, account holder's name, address, social security number, even a phone number.

Even more frightening is, after checking, all the information is correct. We have always thought that the most intimate password is no longer a secret

Send a copy of the most "bank card security guide"

Once the cards are distributed fraudulent, we should first prove himself, for example, you can immediately access to the Bank 100 dollars, and then save the access credentials, this shows that the bank card did you, money is distributed fraudulent. Immediately after the report.

It is revealed that if there is sufficient evidence of counterfeit cards in General, such as the fraudulent customers within 20 minutes, by way of proof card body, in accordance with the existing case, banks will compensate losses of between 50% and 70%.

1, and quickly replaced old magnetic stripe cards in hand!

Magnetic stripe card technical threshold is too low, was stolen in 10 seconds. At present, the major banks have universal chip card and chip card security better, find hard to replicate.

2, ATM cash withdrawal from using cards and more with dynamic password

Many people may not know, a number of banks have launched a "non-cash business card", open your mobile banking app requests limit, the Bank will tell you that a dynamic password, enter the dynamic code directly to ATM machines, money comes out. Don't need the card!

3, multi-channel bound transaction reminders

Such as micro-credit services, you can bind the individual banks to prevent bank text messages intercepted by Crooks, money was brushing away do not know!

4, is not a private channel to enter the password and verification code

Anything involving money only at the official mobile banking operations developed or mature payment platform of your choice, such as Alipay, micro-payment.

5, do not click on any links in the message, important to say it three times!

Even officially calls, text message asking you to do anything, pause! Call customer service consulting, verify the information true and false action. Now search the Internet a customer service phone is easy!

In short, there are traps everywhere, call the Bank first as the only buck, on your own

千万别把银行卡放裤兜里! - 银行卡盗刷,银联闪付 - IT资讯

Apple Pay到具有闪付功能的银行卡,便捷的支付体验逐渐深入我们日常生活——不用密码,在读卡器上轻轻一放,短短几秒钟就能完成付款。



































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