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published in(发表于) 2016/4/30 5:48:52 Edit(编辑)
Samsung released Tizen,3.0, singing “four romances“

Samsung released Tizen,3.0, singing “four romances“(三星发布Tizen,3.0,欲唱“四国演义”,)



Samsung releases Tizen 3.0, to sing "four romances"-Tizen 3.0,Tizen, Samsung-IT information

IT information news on April 29, Samsung announced at the developers Conference this week in Tizen 3.0, 3.0 after upgrading system is now compatible with many new Tablet and phone, in addition, the system also applies to intelligent wear, in-car entertainment systems, smart appliances, drones, smart TVs and VR virtual reality devices.

Tizen 3.0 is a 64-bit operating system, and it supports the latest 64-bit ARM X86 processors also support 4K screen display, Samsung claims Tizen 3.0 graphics engine is faster than Tizen 2.4 30%. Tizen 3.0 has many similarities with Win10, developers can develop simultaneously in different screen sizes Tizen 3.0 application that runs on the system based on Linux LTS (long term support), kernal, which means Tizen 3.0 is very stable. Tizen 3.0 API support for facial recognition and voice control, with Siri and Cortana resemble speech assistants also can develop on the Tizen.

In 2012, Samsung released a mobile phone operating system Tizen, but market reaction was very cool, now Samsung has smart TV and watch Gear S2 on the application of the system, Senior Vice President of the company, said in the Internet of things (IoT or Internet of Things), the development of the system is big . Samsung expects by 2020, networked devices will reach 21 billion.

Tizen 3.0 beta version might be released in July, and in September released the official version, equipped with the equipment of the system will be introduced later, Samsung so far did not give a specific time. Tizen of version 3.0 more than ever before improve significantly , in the 2015 years carrying old Tizen system Samsung smartphone sales exceeded 3 million units, almost Android, iOS and Win10 Mobile as a representative of Microsoft's mobile operating system when the three, Tizen 3.0 turned out seemed to be a "four romances" kicked off.

Note: Yun tentatively classified as Android OS in this article classification

IT's encyclopedia of information:

Tizen:"'taiz ? n" (Chinese name for tyze) is a Union of two Linux LiMo Foundation and the Linux Foundation to integrate resources advantage, together with Intel and Samsung Electronics to jointly develop its operating system for mobile phones and other devices. The system integrates both BADA and MeeGo operating system, and was formally announced in February 2012.

三星发布Tizen 3.0,欲唱“四国演义” - Tizen 3.0,Tizen,三星 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 4月29日消息,三星在本周的开发者大会上发布了Tizen 3.0,升级后的3.0系统如今兼容许多新款平板和手机,此外,该系统同样适用于智能穿戴、车载娱乐系统、智能电器、无人机、智能电视和VR虚拟现实设备。

Tizen 3.0是一款64位操作系统,它支持最新的64位ARM和X86处理器,同时还支持4K屏幕显示,三星宣称Tizen 3.0的图像引擎比Tizen 2.4快了30%。Tizen 3.0与Win10有许多相似之处,开发者可以开发能同时在不同尺寸屏幕上运行的Tizen 3.0应用,该系统基于Linux LTS(长期支持)kernal,这意味着Tizen 3.0将十分稳定。Tizen 3.0支持用于面部表情识别的API和语音控制,与Siri和Cortana类似的语音助手同样也可以在Tizen上开发。

2012年,三星发布了手机操作系统Tizen,不过当时市场反应十分冷淡,如今三星已经在智能电视和智能手表Gear S2上应用该系统,该公司高级副总裁也表示,在物联网(Internet of Things或IoT)方面该系统的发展空间很大三星预计到2020年为止,联网设备将达到210亿部。

Tizen 3.0的测试版本可能会在7月份发布,9月份发布正式版,搭载该系统的设备将会稍后推出,三星到目前为止没有给出具体时间。3.0版本的Tizen较以往相比提升明显,在刚刚过去的2015年间搭载旧版Tizen系统的三星智能手机销量突破300万台,在几乎是安卓、iOS和Win10 Mobile为代表的微软手机操作系统三分天下之时,Tizen 3.0的横空出世似乎是为一出“四国演义”拉开了帷幕。

注:Yun OS在本文中暂归为安卓系统分类


Tizen:【'taizən】(中文名为泰泽)是两大Linux联盟LiMo Foundation和Linux Foundation整合资源优势,携手英特尔和三星电子,共同开发针对手机和其它设备的操作系统。该系统整合了BADA和MeeGo两个操作系统,并于2012年2月正式公布。

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