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published in(发表于) 2016/3/19 12:33:31 Edit(编辑)
Phone App 15 interesting facts

Phone App 15 interesting facts(手机App的15个有趣事实,)



15 interesting facts of the Mobile App-the App Store,Google Play,WhatsApp-IT information

Editor′s Note: the writer Himanshu Mehra, he is a mobile application development company of Nine Hertz online marketers and tech writer. He wants to help more companies increase their online exposure and sales. He is listed in this article 15 interesting facts about mobile applications.

Mobile applications have revolutionized the way we live. App for our world offers all kinds of possibilities--including your favorite food, savings, shopping, booking, and so on. You can meet these needs without restriction anywhere, anytime. In the App, business class is the most notable category. Large and small companies can use this platform to find new users.

You may have heard some statements, such as "India has the world′s largest WhatsApp user base", "Android application download can be achieved a landslide victory" and so on. These things sound is unexpected.

Therefore, I collected 15 interesting facts about mobile App – many of which you probably never heard of it.

1.2015 summer Apple App Store downloads break 100 million

In the summer of 2015, Apple found that a sharp rise in downloads of the app store, even break 100 million downloads for the entire quarter. Category is one of the most popular mobile games, accounted for 22.49% of the total downloads, followed by business application, accounted for 10.38% of the total share.

2. in quantitative terms, Android 1.6 million applications dominating

Google Play Store is worthy of the King of the app store, of which a total of 1.6 million App. Second is Apple′s iTunes, has 1.5 million applications.

3. Android development income? India lowest highest North American

Study found that Android developers hourly rate in India only $ 26, while North American developers, that figure reached $ 168.

4. India has the world′s largest WhatsApp users-70 million users

WhatsApp is a global communication tool, it has close to 1 billion users a solid basis, India has the most monthly active users. In May 2014, India WhatsApp active users has reached 50 million. This year India markets took only five months to achieve the 20 million users of the increases. As of October 2014, India WhatsApp users has exceeded 70 million.

5. the most popular Android app downloads exceeded 1 billion times

Most popular Android apps include Gmail, Google Maps, YouTube, Facebook, etc 12 x, June 2015 according to their downloads exceed 1 billion times. In addition, most of the free Android apps have been downloaded more than 100 million times, most paid Android apps are more than 1 million times.

6.2015 most frequently used App? Is Facebook!

Facebook only the application itself has 76.8% in the smart-phone users share, and the company′s other means of communication, followed by Facebook Messenger, Smartphone users have downloaded the application of 62.5%. Some of the most commonly used applications, including YouTube and Google Play.

7.66% of users say they are most commonly used social networking applications

In 2015, the majority of all mobile traffic contribution to social applications. Studies show that 66% users are using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, applied and used far exceeds that of other App.

8. a higher Android download, iOS income more

Total Android applications download ahead of other operating systems, but their income compared to iOS is much less. In 2015, the Android application download iOS twice times. Even so, the iOS′s income is higher than Android 75%.

9. as of 2017, mobile application revenue is expected to reach $ 77 billion

Since the advent of Android, iOS, and every year there are a lot of new applications into the market. It is predicted that by the end of 2017, mobile application revenues will reach $ 77 billion. The figure for 2012 was $ 18.56 billion, and its growth was impressive.

10. as of 2017, 268.69 billion or to reach the total downloads

Smartphone application is downloaded from the growth surge. In 2009, Smartphone app downloads to 2.52 billion – in 2017 possible 268.69 billion accounted for only a small part.

11. Apple users spent more time than on a iPad iPhone application 24%

Users spend an average of 50.3 minutes a day using Apple iPhone , iPad time on is 40.4 minutes. In any case, iPad users each section longer than the phone. That means Apple users checking the phone′s movements were more frequent, when they open an iPad application, they indulge in much longer.

12.2015, personalized fastest

Individual application (for example, wallpaper application, emoji applications, and so on) the fastest growing category is considered to be in 2015, representing an increase of 332%. In addition, news and magazine applications grew by 135%, second only to the individual application.

13. the United States monthly cumulative adult users communication application of 4 hours 39 minutes

United States adult users have to spend on average 4 hours and 39 minutes in a communications application--including Facebook, and Snapchat, and Tinder.

14. hand the most fascinating lifestyle the most left out

In the user′s time spent in the Smartphone, 43% contribution to the game. Followed by social networking applications, taking up 26% of the time. User is time consuming at least a recreation and fitness classes and lifestyle applications, only 1% per cent.

15. pushes the message allows the user to focus more

Message push aims to increase the user′s degree of immersion. Studies have shown that news pushes the application messages allows users to immerse level 28% social networking push is helping to improve the 60% of such applications.

Do you know what are the interesting facts about mobile applications? Share them with us in the comments section below.

手机App的15个有趣事实 - App Store,Google Play,WhatsApp - IT资讯

编者按:本文作者Himanshu Mehra,他是手机应用开发公司Nine Hertz的线上营销人员和科技作者。他希望帮助更多公司提升他们线上的曝光和销售。本文中他为我们列出了15个关于手机应用的有趣事实。




1.2015年夏天,苹果App Store的下载量突破一亿次



Google Play Store是当之无愧的应用商店之王,其中共有一百六十万个App。其次就是苹果的iTunes,拥有一百五十万个应用。






最受欢迎的安卓应用包括Gmail、Google Maps、YouTube、Facebook等十二个,2015年六月的数据显示,它们的下载量都突破十亿次。此外,大部分免费安卓应用的下载次数都超过一亿次,大部分付费安卓应用都超过一百万次。


Facebook这一应用本身就已在智能手机用户群中享有76.8%的占有率了,而其公司旗下的另一通讯工具Facebook Messenger则紧随其后,62.5%的智能机用户都下载了这个应用。其他一些最常用的应用包括YouTube和Google Play。




















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