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published in(发表于) 2016/4/30 5:48:30 Edit(编辑)
Microsoft today officially announced the closure of Lionhead oranda Studio

Microsoft today officially announced the closure of Lionhead oranda Studio(微软今日正式宣布关闭Lionhead狮头工作室,)



Microsoft today officially announced the closure of Studio Lionhead oranda-lion head Studios, Microsoft-IT information

On March 9, when theinformation IT used to broadcast a lion head Studios lying gun, Microsoft or pave the way for Win10 eco , mentioned Microsoft cancels the Fable: the legend of project development work, and plan to shut down United Kingdom lion head Studios.

Today, Microsoft released a statement in the well-known gaming site officially announced that it would close the lion head Studios. Ex-Lions head Studio (Lionhead Studios) employees Georg Backer also released confirmation message on Twitter.

Georg Backer in 20 hours ago Tweet says:

Lionhead Studios closing today... Very emotional even though I left in 2011. But once a lion... #riplionhead

Then added a 19 hours ago:

*sadface* is now a 404 *sadface*

Lionhead Studios lion head Studios by bide·moliniukesi (Peter Molyneux) was founded in 1996, Molyneux was bought by EA in left Bullfrog Studios (Bullfrog) was founded after a lion's head.

Studios have launched a once established film business simulation game of the movie mogul (The Movies), God Sims of the black and white (Black & White), as well as the famous fable series (Fable). In fact, with Microsoft in 2006, bought the lion's head, its focus has shifted to the action role-playing game series made up.

Lion's head, since Microsoft acquired in 2009, has introduced one by one non-fable series of test works: Milo and Kate, (Milo & Kate) to help sales of Kinect, but the game is not finally listed. Molyneux left lion's head in early 2012, he said he wanted to try something difficult to achieve things in big companies.

微软今日正式宣布关闭Lionhead狮头工作室 - 狮头工作室,微软公司 - IT资讯


今天,微软在知名游戏站点Polygon.com发布了一则声明:正式宣布将关闭狮头工作室。前狮头工作室(Lionhead Studios)的员工Georg Backer也在Twitter上发布了确认消息。

Georg Backer 在20小时前发推文说:

Lionhead Studios closing today... Very emotional even though I left in 2011. But once a lion... #riplionhead


*sadface* is now a 404 *sadface*

Lionhead Studios狮头工作室由彼得·莫利纽克斯(Peter Molyneux)于1996年创立,莫利纽克斯是在离开了被EA收购的牛蛙工作室(Bullfrog)之后创立狮头的。

工作室在成立之后相继推出了电影业模拟游戏《电影大亨》(The Movies),上帝模拟游戏《黑与白》(Black & White),以及著名的《神鬼寓言》系列(Fable)。事实上,随着微软于2006年买下狮头,其重点已经转移到动作角色扮演类系列游戏的制作上去。

狮头自从被微软收购之后,于2009年推出了惟一一款非神鬼寓言系列的试验作品:《米罗与凯特》(Milo & Kate),以帮助Kinect的销售,但游戏最后没有上市。莫利纽克斯于2012年年初离开了狮头,他说他想要去尝试一些很难在大公司中实现的事情。

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