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delv published in(发表于) 2013/11/8 9:51:53 Edit(编辑)
Quantum transport technology transfer a person need 4500 trillion!

Quantum transport technology transfer a person need 4500 trillion!(量子传输技术转移一个人需要4500万亿年! )

Quantum transmission technology transfer a person need a years! |
IT information network August 05, 2013

Read the Star Trek classic lines that friends will never forget: Scottie, I transferred the past! Which relates to quantum teleportation technology, can transfer three-dimensional spatio-temporal objects from one place to another. But unfortunately is, this may look very bright in the technology could not deliver.

To date, about quantum transport theory of research just to stay in the exploratory phase, researchers say the mastering of this technology is a sign of advanced civilizations in the universe, will completely change the way of space travel, space travel only needs quantum transferred to, does not require large and complex rockets. In the Star Trek shows quantum transport technology can be applied to the human body, from the transmission to humans is clearly a leap.

Transfer seems body's moment in the film, the reality quantum theory of transport from point a to point b in how long does it take? From the United Kingdom a group of physics at the University of Leicester research groups attempted to pass the math tool to explore the subject, including one called Dawei·sitaji, which researchers said: based on our findings, If you complete a human moment transfer may take a little longer, but this form of space travel is still a viable. So what is specific about this? One second? One minute? Or one hour? Enterprise spacecraft in the movie quantum transport channel can be completed in a few seconds of point-to-point teleportation, but reality theoretical calculations indicate that the time of 4,500,000,000,000,000 years! 4500 trillion! About 350,000 times the age of the universe!

If the quantum transmission technology of Star Trek like speed broadband, so realistic theory of quantum transmission like dial-up Internet, it is too slow! Researchers further assumptions through technical means, we will complete a unit of people become the data, then the entire physical structure will reach 2.6 times 10 42 orders of magnitude, we use a 29.5 per cent MHz bandwidth, with 350,000 times the age of the universe (13.7 billion years), from the creation of the universe to the present only one person. There is no doubt that, according to current theory of quantum transport of mankind, still unable to understand this super technology, to acquire quantum moment transport technological species could join the ranks of advanced civilizations in the universe.

Quantum transport in the Star Trek technologies

Via: Tencent science

(量子传输技术转移一个人需要4500万亿年! | IT资讯网








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