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published in(发表于) 2016/4/29 5:35:41 Edit(编辑)
How to Twitter “leaked“ Lord Snowdon’s exile? ,

How to Twitter “leaked“ Lord Snowdon’s exile? ,(推特如何“泄露”了斯诺登的流亡生活?,)



How to Twitter "leaked" Lord Snowdon's exile? -Twitter, Lord Snowdon-IT information

Although leaked explosive United States Government documents, Lord Snowdon has been living in exile, but he was still in Moscow by computer and United States citizens to keep in touch. Not only does he make a speech, also appeared in a number of meetings, for example, on Monday, his virtual image by pulley screen robot appear at the International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.

He has not given up on Twitter, there are more than 2 million followers, his tweets range from Government monitoring to United States $ 20 Bill printed on various topics such as who is better.

"Prisoners. The escaped prisoner. Hero. "-Snow

As in his official Twitter account last September to join the Twitter writes, his voice in social media uploaded so far.

"Snow has joined Twitter today, but this is the world's response. ”

Snow on Twitter now has more than 6 months, Quartz Web site decided to recall him using this social networking tool your habits, try bits and pieces of his life as a fugitive. To do this, we need to analyze his data for each tweet, including forward and back.

We want to know is, who Russia is also maintained in the United States as the rest? We can analyze how sleep schedule is out of the 32-year old man?

From the graph we can see that the snow is in accordance with the Moscow time zone live and sleep, and those students are very close, often sleeping until 1 o'clock (stopped tweeting), and woke up around 8 to 11 hours (going online). His main Twitter is between noon and 1 o'clock in the morning Moscow time, the equivalent of eastern standard time at 5 o'clock in the morning till 6 o'clock in the evening.

If you observe the snow a week when Twitter's rules, we can see that he is the most active on Wednesday, and the Internet-not the least amount of time is Friday Saturday or Sunday. Nor can we infer from what, apart from exile probably nothing this weekend party.

If there is more data, over time we should be able to analyze more things. But at least there is one thing that does not require complex analysis: who did that is snow powder. He is concerned only with an account on Twitter: the United States National Security Council, and it was he who leaked confidential documents of the intelligence agencies.

推特如何“泄露”了斯诺登的流亡生活? - 推特,斯诺登 - IT资讯











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