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published in(发表于) 2016/5/3 5:48:04 Edit(编辑)
Baidu Wei Zexi event dispatch: of the contention to fulfil its mission in the rain,

Baidu Wei Zexi event dispatch: of the contention to fulfil its mission in the rain,(百度就魏则西事件内部发文:《砥砺风雨坚守使命》,)



Baidu Wei Zexi internal communications: the contention to fulfil its mission in the rain-Wei Zexi, Baidu-IT information

The night of May 2, central network Office official issued a statement announcing the establishment of joint investigation teams assigned to Baidu, NASDAQ over the same period Baidu shares plunging 8%, this morning, Baidu internal publication of the contention to fulfil its mission in the rain, open internal and external interpretation "Wei Zexi events" before and after the process.

▲ On the map with map, has nothing to do with the following text

The contention to fulfil its mission in the rain full text is as follows:

May never have a 51 holiday Baidu people so worried and even grievances. We have been proud of the company, suddenly in the micro-blog, know, tiny letters on social media, is on a crusade to push public opinion by one mighty wave, if you like small, from their relatives, friends and strangers online inquiries, questions, and even censure, moments, and meaning.

On April 12, only 21 years old, University student Wei Zexi, suffering from "synovial Sarcoma" later died. He worked at a hospital in Xian has received 4 doses of chemotherapy and radiotherapy of 25, but the results are unsatisfactory. Wei Zexi parents do not give a Cancer Hospital in Beijing under the recommendation of physicians through CCTV and Baidu know "hospitals of armed police corps in Beijing", the Wei Zexi parents first went to investigate and was treatable by the hospital doctors told Li, Wei Zexi began the second in Beijing, armed police corps hospital has 4 treatment, after spent more than 200,000 medical expenses have not been improved. He later after other medical treatments, and unfortunately died.

The end of April, users find a know Wei Zexi on February 26, 2016 quiz, put Baidu and Baidu search extension on the cusp. On April 28, the Baidu through "Baidu to promote" Twitter account for this response, the condolences to the deceased and investigation of hospital quality. On April 30, the various media from v and the media have been written. On May 1, Baidu to promote sound again, for the first time to the issuing unit and armed police of the headquarters in charge of the relevant Department to review an application letter, hoped that relevant departments can effect immediately mounted investigations and internal management issues and fully support the Wei Zexi family rights. On May 2, the clinic was shut down, and more media reports came out of Putian contracting departments and false publicity mess of private hospitals. The night of May 2, central network Office official announced in a speech to set up joint investigation teams, we announced that it welcomes the investigation and will cooperate with, to clarify the facts.

And every ordinary people, we feel sorry for young life, so we call was informed for the first time after West's parents, there is a need to formally clarify the fact that, from a media report-May 1 at 22 o'clock exclusive coverage of a Web site called, claimed to have interviewed Wei Zexi parents, "in fact, Baidu has never contacted them."

Fortunately we called small wind students have left the phone records, which calls 13:26 on April 28, hours 13 minutes 53 seconds, phone tail number-8723. Telephone communications, Xiao Feng visited father Wei, Wei and the father on the phone about the hardships of treatment processes in the West, as well as his son's love of life and endurance.

In order to prevent repeated sorrow to the families of the deceased, Xiao Feng did not disclose more information on call, but was accused of "Wei Fu said Baidu did not call, Baidu's lying!" Seven feet tall he tossed about--this is for the company to express sincere condolences, but make the company become an object of suspicion, this wronged one is shocked and angry. "If not, we put" We welcome corrections, but definitely not allowed to distort the facts!

These days, we are also proactive application, supervision and management of the country.

Beijing armed police hospital, the full name of Second Corps Hospital in Beijing for the Chinese people's armed police force, which is a tertiary general hospitals, and is the first batch of the basic medical insurance in Beijing hospitals. This fully qualified, public hospitals in three previously had multiple positive reports by CCTV. But if the media has reported, their departments are found to have contracted to "Department of Putian".

In early 2015, Baidu has increased regulation efforts off the offending hospitals, raised private hospital group "Department of Putian" backlash and boycotts. Baidu said in a statement the determination to fight false health will not change, high threshold and strict auditing are Baidu to promote long-term sustainable mechanisms, "we will not be ' hospital ' hugs resisted relaxing the requirements, nor with the qualification requirements of any acquisition of cooperating medical institutions. ”

Baidu and constantly upgrade auditing process more rigorous, but why are these hospitals will be able to license complete? therapy can national legal approval? you know, Baidu made the greatest "radar system" to curb illegal medical agencies, refusal of medical false promotion 30 million in 2015 alone, reject bad accounts 438,300 ordered illegal consumption amounted to 466,512,966.99. Baidu has not just given the amount of money as a ranking criteria, on the road to social responsibility and business promotion, has never let up. Not only that, we always stand with the majority of users, increasing tightening the approval process, the corrective action corrective action, the refusal, US commercial interests will not lose corporate conscience, no doubt.

Search is like a mirror, see the whole real world. When we work together to build a better world, to combat evil, you will get a good search. Today as an excellent enterprise, needs to take national, industry ought to fulfill their supervisory responsibilities. It is the expectation of our society, because power comes great responsibility. We will not shirk that responsibility, as we know is not good enough, there is a lot of room for improvement, which is why more than 40,000 people still in the power of hard work every day. In each new day, and we continue to work, independent thinking, practice skills, and constantly improve themselves, to find out the deficiencies of experience and service quality, polished our products better, makes our customers more satisfied, is the best response to the outside world.

百度就魏则西事件内部发文:《砥砺风雨坚守使命》 - 魏则西,百度公司 - IT资讯















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