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published in(发表于) 2016/4/28 6:09:08 Edit(编辑)
Coke today network: new three boys, your cell phone into the first fight was dismissed,

Coke today network: new three boys, your cell phone into the first fight was dismissed,(今日网焦:扬州新三个和尚,手机砸头打架被开除,)



Coke today network: new three boys, your cell phone into fights dismissal-the head monk, monk-IT information

Recently, a "three monks fight" video caused a buzz on the Internet. Journalists repeatedly proving that, monks fight in the video thing is true, ningguo, baoying Temple in Yangzhou.

The Abbot of the temple: all the three monks concerned have been "moved"

Confirmed that this happened on the morning of April 24, videos of fighting in three people does is the Yangzhou ningguo baoying temple monks.

On April 27, the ningguo Abbot pure Mage published in circle of friends: "amituo Fu! The temple monks about the fight that occurred the morning of April 24, 2016 (for disputes over trifles), rapid intervention; now on April 26, 2016 decision on the participation of three ' moved '; nowadays ".

Surging journalists call the innocent Mage on the matter, responded by saying: "they (the fight) who only minor skin injuries, has been expelled from the punishment." "Move list", simply put, is the monks expelled from monasteries.

Fighting causes: Middle Temple management problems and conflicts

Online fight video transmitted in about 1 minute.

You can see from the video, Ning Guo SI Pu Guang ming Temple, three monks involved in the fighting.

Two monks dressed in Maroon robes "pinched up into a ball", one wearing a yellow-robed monks had to pick up the phone, to a monk's head "hammered". The presence of several other monks and tourists, got up and opened the fight many times three, and has been persuaded, "stop it."

Monks should abide by the rules, what makes the three Mage fights?

Pure Mage surging told the news, "they somewhat contradictory in itself, because of differences in the management of the temple, resulting in a physical confrontation. ”

In addition, the news was also informed that the surging, fighting three monks Ning Guo SI's middle-level leaders.

"The news a bit more" moved only a kind of punishment?

What is a "move"? In Buddhism, each monk has a single, moving means sending you out, simply put is "out". For a monk, this was a very serious matter.

It is understood that the penalty rules are different for each monastery, but moved, is a more severe form of punishment.

Pure Mage surging told press: "three monks fighting destroyed Buddhist advocate of VI and King thought, society has done a bad model."

Move command is generally issued by who? In General, the monks if they lower status marshals Division of the temple is responsible for the maintained monastic discipline, which has the right to move it. A little status, or rely on the meditation room, school of Buddhism and other units, move commands issued by the head of unit. Of course, in charge of the unit are not allowed to move, he needs to tell the truth, the, chaired by top of the monk, who approved.

Of course, it was moved to monk is not the same as being expelled from Buddhism, but was expelled from the original temple. If there are other temples like to receive, then he can still continue to practice.

Video: (IT News Mobile client users who cannot view the video, please click here to view )

今日网焦:扬州新三个和尚,手机砸头打架被开除 - 和尚,僧人 - IT资讯




















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