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published in(发表于) 2016/4/27 6:25:12 Edit(编辑)
Qatar National Bank 1.4GB data breaches involving British military intelligence agency intelligence,

Qatar National Bank 1.4GB data breaches involving British military intelligence agency intelligence,(卡塔尔国家银行1.4GB数据泄露:涉及英军情六处情报,)



Qatar National Bank 1.4GB data breaches involving British military intelligence agency information-Qatar, information security-IT information

In recent days, local journalists and security company found that Qatar National Bank data exposure, more than 1.4 GB of data files were released online by unknown hackers, data validation has been identified.

Leaked Bank in user data, such as Qatar national bank account, password, payment data, home address, and other personally identifiable data.

In addition to customer information, leaked documents have two special folders. One is the internal bank documents, and another is named "spy" information, which contains the Qatar Royal family data, Qatar Ministry of defence and various intelligence agencies information and even United Kingdom (junqingliuchu), France and Poland and other country's intelligence. ”

Qatar Bank has issued a statement, but declined to comment further. Data leakage in Russia on a file-sharing site

卡塔尔国家银行1.4GB数据泄露:涉及英军情六处情报 - 卡塔尔,信息安全 - IT资讯

近日,当地记者和安全公司发现卡塔尔国家银行数据泄露,超过1.4 GB数据文件被不明黑客公布网上,数据有效性已被确认。




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