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published in(发表于) 2016/3/19 12:30:32 Edit(编辑)
2016-new survey: most popular JavaScript, 46% without a degree,

2016-new survey: most popular JavaScript, 46% without a degree,(2016最新调查:JavaScript最受欢迎,46%码农无相关学位,)



2016-new survey: most popular JavaScript, 46% no degree-related programming, programmers-IT information

Developer Developer′s question-and-answer site Stack Overflow is a popular question-and-answer website development knowledge and experience. Website user survey each year, about the composition, the choice of development language of developers. Survey on users of the site to about 50,000 this year after the results had been released, there are some interesting and thought-provoking discoveries: JavaScript is still the most popular programming languages, for example, nearly half of developers and computer-related degrees.

In terms of language, JavaScript is still an overwhelming advantage was elected the most popular development languages, more than 55.4 per cent of respondents said they used such language. Top 5 rankings in the past year is actually the same, respectively (JavaScript, and SQL, Java, c #, and PHP). But PHP′s popularity has decreased from last year, by 4%, Stack Overflow analysis is due to the rise of Node and Angular.

Stack Overflow has also investigated the developers favorite, most hated, and most want to learn languages. Which Rust, and Swift, F#, Scala and Go election 2016 developer favorite language, this is Rust, Swift and Go the 2nd consecutive year was elected. VB has unfortunately become developers hate language. Android, Node.js and AngularJS are developers most want to learn three languages.

In terms of trends, new development momentum is good. With the highest growth rate were the top 5 technology is React, Spark, and Swift, and Cassandra as well as Raspberry Pi.

Which technologies are the most money? Stack Overflow found, significantly higher than the average salary of developers worldwide top 5 types of technologies are F#, Dart, and Cassandra, and Spark as well as Hadoop.

Stack Overflow has also investigated one of the most popular technologies. The duo is one of the most popular JavaScript+ SQL, JavaScript+PHP as well as Java+JavaScript; three of the most popular groups are JavaScript+PHP+SQL, Java+JavaScript+SQL, C#+JavaScript+SQL.

Most popular development environment was rather surprised, Notepad++ is a very simple editor, with 35.6% usage alongside Visual Studio, this may be because of its built-in support for as many as 27 different grammar high brightness display, as well as many features favored by the developers.

There is also a somewhat surprising finding is that developers use the desktop operating system. Apple Mac OS x than Windows to the top for the first time, while the third is little gap between Linux and Windows 7. Of course, if all up all Windows versions, Microsoft can keep a share of the top spot.

Respondents the composition of note are 46% of the developers did not computer science or any related field of degree, indicating that programming is increasingly becoming a common skill. And developers are generally very diligent, 57% said the works presented every day at least once in the code.

In the developer role, 28% users think is a full stack Web Developer, followed by back-end developers, accounted for 12%; the third is a student, 11%.

In terms of age, Developer′s average age was 27 years old, 25-29 years of age accounted for 28%, this shows that development is young and rice. But this does not mean that the old should not write programs, and over 40 years of 13%.

But diversity is still a prominent problem in the survey, respondents, only 5.8% are women. This indicates that the gender balance of the industry still has a long way to go.

2016最新调查:JavaScript最受欢迎,46%码农无相关学位 - 编程,程序员 - IT资讯

开发者问答网站Stack Overflow是颇受开发者欢迎的开发知识经验问答网站。网站每年都会对用户进行调查,了解开发者的构成、开发语言选择等情况。今年该网站对约50000名用户进行调查后的结果已经出炉,里面不乏一些有趣同时也令人深思的发现:比如说JavaScript仍然是最受欢迎的编程语言,而将近一半的开发者并没有计算机的相关学位。

在语言方面,JavaScript仍然以压倒性的优势当选最受欢迎开发语言,超过55.4的受访者称自己使用这么语言。实际上前5名的排名与去年都是一样的,分别是(JavaScript、SQL、Java、C#以及PHP)。但PHP的受欢迎程度则比去年下跌了4个百分点,Stack Overflow分析认为是由于Node和Angular的崛起。

Stack Overflow还调查了开发者最喜爱、最讨厌以及最想学的开发语言。其中Rust、Swift、F#、Scala以及Go当选2016开发者最喜爱语言,这是Rust、Swift与Go连续第2年当选了。而VB很不幸地成为了开发者最讨厌的语言。Android、Node.js以及AngularJS是开发者最想学的三门语言。

在使用趋势方面,一些新的开发技术势头良好。其中使用增长率最高的前5种技术分别是React、Spark、Swift、Cassandra以及Raspberry Pi。

哪些技术最赚钱呢?Stack Overflow调查发现,全球范围内显著高于开发者平均薪水的前5种技术分别是F#、Dart、Cassandra、Spark以及Hadoop。

Stack Overflow还调查了最流行的技术组合。其中最受欢迎的二人组是JavaScript+ SQL、JavaScript+PHP以及Java+JavaScript;最受欢迎的三人组是JavaScript+PHP+SQL、Java+JavaScript+SQLC#+JavaScript+SQL

最受欢迎的开发环境颇为令人惊讶,是一个非常简单的编辑器Notepad++,以35.6%的使用率与Visual Studio并驾齐驱,这也许是因为其内置支持多达27种语法高亮度显示、以及众多特色功能而受到开发者青睐吧。

还有一个有点令人惊讶的发现就是开发者使用的桌面操作系统。苹果Mac OS X首次超过Windows登顶,而第三名Linux与Windows 7的的差距也不大。当然,如果把所有的Windows版本都算上的话,微软还能保持份额第一的位置。





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