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published in(发表于) 2016/4/5 7:04:29 Edit(编辑)
Obama should cry or laugh? Finally get a new White House Science and technology supplies,

Obama should cry or laugh? Finally get a new White House Science and technology supplies,(奥巴马该哭还是笑?白宫科技用品终于换新了,)



Obama should cry or laugh? Finally get a new White House Science and technology supplies-the White House, Obama, computer-IT news

April 5, Beijing time, according to technology website TechRadar reports, though Obama appears to be a real tech-savvy, but he still lived in the White House, because the United States presidential technology is too old.

In fact, many electronic products can be traced back to Clinton-era White House (90), such as a black and white printer, chunky laptop and telephone, all kinds of wire can be seen everywhere, stuff which makes one doubt that United States is not to collapse.

However, according to the New York Times reported, in departing, Obama, the White House finally came from inside to outside of the greater new. Officers finally used the thin solid state drive computer comes standard, older phone was upgraded into a new digital model, in addition, the White House also introduced color copier, but they are using the new copier duplex (enough to save).

In addition, the enhanced security system at the White House, so that you can better manage visitors and staff, they do not have to manually enter the password in the future, as long as the card on the line. Responsible for upgrading the project team from the White House dug up 13000 lbs of various types of cables in the walls, torn down after these antiques, finally scraped through the Wi-Fi speed and coverage of the White House.

Some people will say, so upgrades can make people so happy? Look haven't configured my home yet! For the White House, however, this is indeed a big step forward, it is worth cheering.

To upgrade the White House complex, because it is divided into four areas, including the Office of the President, the National Security Council, the secret service and the White House communications agency, any large-scale changes will affect other areas of work. While many people already can't stand "out" of the White House, and upgrade itself, but it is the evolution of small areas, large-scale renovation have not been able to.

In 2015, President Obama approved the establishment of digital services in the Office sector, large-scale transformation of the White House began, this transformation is expected to take two years. This transformation is complete do not know when the White House to usher in the next upgrade, really make people laugh or cry.

奥巴马该哭还是笑?白宫科技用品终于换新了 - 白宫,奥巴马,电脑 - IT资讯








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