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published in(发表于) 2016/4/27 6:24:50 Edit(编辑)
Micro-Bank acknowledged finance: Tencent the largest shareholder vote,

Micro-Bank acknowledged finance: Tencent the largest shareholder vote,(微众银行承认正融资:第一大股东腾讯参投,)



Micro-Bank acknowledged finance: Tencent the largest shareholder vote-micro-banks, Tencent, financing-IT information

On April 27, according to media reports, the micro-banks owned by Tencent Vice President Huang Liming CBRC routine news conference to respond to the issue of financing, recognizing the capital increase plan has been in the approval process.

To the media, said Huang Liming, "capital we are doing well, shareholders, regulators and investors are very supportive. Bank capital and replenishment of the traditional Internet companies, after all, are not the same, the process longer. Soon, has been in the approval process. "

It is understood that the financing apart from the introduction of a new shareholder, Tencent is the largest shareholder of micro-banks now participate in the capital increase. After the capital increase, Tencent's stake remain 30% unchanged.

Early this year, foreign media reported that the micro-banks close to $ 450 million in financing agreements, investors, including United States private equity fund Warburg Pincus (Warburg Pincus) and Singapore's Temasek, micro-banks valued at $ 5.5 billion. However, subsequent media exposure, micro-banks and financing blocked.

Huang Liming in an interview also published its inclusive financial products "particle loan" data, said Huang Liming, "has 22 financial institutions launching of co-financing. Now each new particle credit loans 80% loan provided by the Bank. Expect future loans would continue to grow rapidly. ”

According to reports, the "particle loan" since May last year officially launched the initiative on credit has more than 30 million people, number of loans more than 4 million, loans of more than 30 billion yuan, an average loan of 7000 to 8000.

微众银行承认正融资:第一大股东腾讯参投 - 微众银行,腾讯,融资 - IT资讯




今年初,有外媒报道称,微众银行接近达成4.5亿美元融资协议,投资人包括美国私募基金华平投资(Warburg Pincus)以及新加坡淡马锡,微众银行估值达55亿美元。不过,随后又有媒体曝出,微众银行融资受阻。



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