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published in(发表于) 2016/7/1 8:26:03 Edit(编辑)
Spend 30 yuan in the North to see how 4D cool? ,

Spend 30 yuan in the North to see how 4D cool? ,(花30元在朝鲜看4D电影有多爽?,)



Spend 30 yuan in the North to see how 4D cool? -4D film, 4D-IT information

IT the information according to the CCTV news, 4D films in North Korea in recent years were warmly welcomed by the general public. This film has not only 3D movies, stereo vision, also in line with the film environment such as vibration, water spray and smell effects, lets the audience have immersive feeling.

For the people of North Korea, 4D film as a new thing does in the short term to binge viewing. Inside North Korea have established more than 10 such theater, specifically for population 4D effects of revolutionary educational film , allowing viewers a more realistic experience video content.

In order to allow more people to have the opportunity to enter the cinema to watch 4D movie, this type of film fare is not expensive, about RMB 30 crowd. If you are in North Korea, perhaps together with the Korean people experience the revolutionary spirit of promoting the film.

花30元在朝鲜看4D电影有多爽? - 4D电影,4D - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 根据央视消息,近年来4D电影在朝鲜受到广大民众的热烈欢迎。这类电影不仅有3D电影的立体视觉,还配合了震动、喷水和气味等电影环境特效,让观众有身临其境之感。



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