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published in(发表于) 2016/4/27 6:24:16 Edit(编辑)
Dark inversion technology? Russian military new explosion-proof clothes too sci-fi, users questioned,

Dark inversion technology? Russian military new explosion-proof clothes too sci-fi, users questioned,(逆天黑科技?俄军方全新防爆衣太科幻,网友质疑,)



Dark inversion technology? Russian military new explosion-proof clothes too sci-fi, users questioned-Russia, explosion-proof clothes-IT information

According to the Beijing News, April 22, Russia's military open a video of the explosion-proof testing new military clothing: women wear special explosion-proof clothing, head high from the violent explosions, smoke, flames came out, with nary a scratch, entirely comparable to science fiction movie special effects scenes.

It is reported that this video shoot a total of 3 tests, suffered a heavy explosion after explosion-proof clothing have become almost all-black white, triple mask of the soldiers took off his mask, revealing long blond hair, black stains on the face, apparently unhurt. She also received a bouquet of flowers, smiling to the camera lens a tribute. Russia Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin will this video posted on the social networking site and proud wrote: "if we have a girl, just imagine how our boys. ”

Russia Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin described, after soldiers wearing protective clothing, "more powerful than the future soldier".

This video came out, "dark inversion technology" has led to a number of questions:

Question 1: is, explosion stunts?

----An explosion is a rapid physical or chemical energy release processes, due to overpressure, blast, high heat will cause harm to the human body, such as blood vessels, cells of the lung, bronchus, stomach and diaphragm (eardrum). However, explosive moment of slow motion, the girl's body, tilt is unlikely (General hand grenade blast can put people to overthrow), near the target has not been down.

Points 2, protective clothing to prevent shock you?

----See from the video, soldiers wearing protective clothing outside fireproof racing suit with the racers like personal, mobile. Look, this protective clothing firefighters work in places of high temperature or other workers wearing insulated clothing fits pretty than specializing resist fragments and shock waves EOD suit, lighter, but not wearing a heavy helmet. Testing video woman with a three-layer fireproof masks and goggles-proof, but cannot prove that protective clothing can be effective protection against shock.

Doubt 3 take can do near shock-proof, explosion-proof?

----Main source of shrapnel and shock wave of the explosion damage, there are explosion-proof clothing is mainly to prevent shrapnel, principle with bullet-proof vests. But blast damage through explosion-proof suits to internal organs, explosions at close range even without penetrating injury caused by shrapnel, the internal organs and blood vessels might be shock waves shattered, such as rupture of tympanic membrane, rupture of liver blood pouring from his orifices are possible.

So many questions, Rogozin added a comment to explain: this is a non-fatal experiments, everything's under control.

This new military protective clothing by Russia arms development agency "Central precision machinery Research Center" (TsNIIMash) recently, there were no more about this mysterious white protective clothing research and development information and field test report disclosure. If battlefield video in case violent explosions at close range, Russia this lightweight protective clothing can make one unscathed, it is called the "dark inversion technology."

Video: (IT News Mobile client users who cannot view the video, please click here to view )

逆天黑科技?俄军方全新防爆衣太科幻,网友质疑 - 俄罗斯,防爆衣 - IT资讯














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