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published in(发表于) 2016/7/19 10:36:39 Edit(编辑)
Stolen mobile phone camera photos naked crazy mass, main tragedy

Stolen mobile phone camera photos naked crazy mass, main tragedy(露体狂偷手机自拍不雅照群发,机主悲剧,)



Stolen mobile phone camera photos naked crazy mass, main micro-tragedy-letter, QQ-IT information

Mobile phone if stolen, we are most worried about is that their accounts transferred money to the people inside. But today have complained to us, an old friend, said after his mobile phone was stolen, get relatives and friends will be that he is a pornographer and now he's jumped into the Yellow River to wash out. What was it all about?

Human is really dumb to suffer in silence, thorns could not say. From the early morning of the 14th of this month is this going up. At that time, Mao's cell phone at home, were stolen from the window. After he lost, and then bought a new phone. Who knows, when he used new login QQ, micro-when eyes can see he can't believe it.

"All his self-portraits, all exposed lower body, to my friends, to my group. He is still on my talk, directly edit talk, text and pictures, that if my friends see it. "Mr Mao complained to the US road.

Mr rough statistics, including QQ groups with micro-letter, he had nearly 700 friends, was harassed by pornography. Abusive replies he received a number of good friends, and some business partners have him black, even their loved ones misunderstand him.

However, the matter is not finished, stealing his cell phone, and also used another QQ number Mao, he issued a provocative speech. "I have an associated QQ, I forgot the QQ, shortly, the QQ on me, then he is more intense, insulting teasing stimulation of language, the kind of words I can't say, he felt that not enough, give me QQ call, video exposed his body. ”

Mao even more angry is that QQ album, he stockpiled a treasure trove of private photos, being deleted completely. This thing is pure parody, is still determined to revenge? Mr Mao has not its solution. "I don't like competing with someone else, money I don't owe people money, really there are so many sick people in the world, and now I really believe that, because it happened in my own. This reputation of mine how to save? I am now one by one to interpret the law...... "

At present, Mr Mao has event alarm, police were involved in the investigation.

露体狂偷手机自拍不雅照群发,机主悲剧 - 微信,QQ - IT资讯





不过,件事还未完,偷他手机的人,还利用毛先生的另一个QQ号,向他发出挑逗的言语。“我有一个关联的QQ,我忘了那个QQ,他马上又上了我那个QQ,接着他就比较激烈了,发侮辱挑逗刺激的语言,那种话语我都说不出口,他还觉得不够, 给我打QQ电话,用视频裸露他的身体。”



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