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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/9 5:33:08 Edit(编辑)
Pornographic information, China Mobile is looking for you,

Pornographic information, China Mobile is looking for you,

Pornographic information, China Mobile is looking for you-junk SMS, sexting, mobile-IT news Pornographic information, China Mobile is looking for you

According to Tencent technology understanding, Luoyang China Mobile, the call center is a National Center of information security operations centers, and Internet services. Specific services generally speaking, negative message sent to mobile phone users, spam messages are all in the Center was "encirclement and suppression", China Mobile and 10086 weibo from here, all the country's mobile Internet service complaints are distributed here.

The Centre has a mobile phone, pornographic information governance, SMS spam, harassing phone calls, cell phone malware prevention governance governance strong technical means such as. 10086999 SMS mobile customers nationwide through the 10086 customer service hotline, to complaints about Huang involved sites through multiple channels, such as, are set into the building. At present, Henan mobile customer service center to the centre stage has seating 2000 customer service representative.

Another Huaian call center, a monomer phase 10 building programme has just completed the approval, after completion, and may provide seating 4,000 customer service representative, call centers complement in Luoyang.

By moving around these two centers are integrated into the national online service companies, realization of centralized monitoring of complaint and public opinion analysis on the Internet, microblog of concentrated operations, e-channel service features such as support, as a major platform for China Mobile's centralized service management operations.

To say, and move through online services is established, to actively promote the construction of national information security strategy, young said, is to better protect the privacy of personal information, providing a healthy green network environment.

End in 2014, the telecommunications industry a while ago style construction and the jiufeng a videophone meeting, Li Yue, President of China Mobile style jiufeng this year put forward a four-point demands. 2nd is the action, and information management services. Include intensified efforts to control spam messages, continuing the fight against malware and not familiar with the custom behaviors, investigate cell phone real name system for pornographic Web sites, advance telecom customers.

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