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published in(发表于) 2016/4/25 8:40:56 Edit(编辑)
The company has swept North America, it is difficult to conquer Asia and China,

The company has swept North America, it is difficult to conquer Asia and China,(这家公司横扫了北美,却难以征服亚洲和中国,)



The company has swept North America, it is difficult to conquer Asia and China-Netflix, streaming-IT information

On April 23, according to foreign reports, global launch a few months later, an online movie rental service Netflix encountered a lot of problems in several important markets in Asia. For example, it faces strong competition from local to provide enhanced content to appeal to a local audience; it also faces regulatory constraints on the ground and it was satisfied with the number of users to be on the ground.

In January this year, the United States giant video streaming service has been expanded to 130 markets around the world, including several in Asia markets. However, the road to its international development did not go smoothly. Local users complained that it provides a number of programs than the United States much less complain it's classic TV series ' House of cards ' (House of Cards) due to copyright problems the delays in local broadcasting.

For example, in January to expand Indonesia market, Netflix was the local censorship board sanctions, according to the control agency which provides content involving violence and sex. Local communications sector also calls for Netflix in the local offices, and pay taxes according to the regulations.

Indonesia's largest telecommunications firm PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (Telkom for short) corporate communications Vice President Arif-Prabowo (Arif Prabowo), Telkom will continue to block Netflix service until the company accordingly and to meet the requirements of the local regulatory bodies.

In Indonesia, Netflix also connected via WiFi and other wireless carriers to provide the service.

"Our services via the Internet was criticized by decision makers and other stakeholders. We are willing to comply with local laws and regulations. "Netflix Asia Communications Director Jessica Lee (Jessica Lee) said," when we launch our services in different countries, we are willing to abide by local laws and regulations. ”

The cost of dealing with such thorny issues is also reflected in its earnings results. The company's earnings report showed that in the first quarter, which in the United States outside of operating losses of $ 104.2 million, part of the loss comes from the relatively higher marketing costs. The results also show that the company on the international revenues generated by each user below the United States at home.

At the end of the first quarter, Netflix company had a total of 34.5 million users in the world; in the United States with 47 million subscribers. However, it is not clear how many users in Asia.

Licensing restrictions

In Korea, localization of content is popular, consumers can select a streaming service a lot. Netflix website is provided not only to the 20 local TV shows and movies.

"Netflix's Korean film library is scarce. "29 year old Korea Jung Dong-yoon said commuters and Netflix users.

In Korea, Netflix viewers also found this week, the hit series of the at large (How to Get Away with Murder) and two seasons of the coquettish lawyer (Better Call Saul) was taken down. Netflix says it's only temporary, because Korea is being divided according to content for viewing age.

Program copyright problem is Netflix company, faced a common problem worldwide.

As early as a year ago, Netflix company in Australia launched its service. However, as of January this year, which show only 443 on the ground, the film only 1585, whereas in the United States provided drama, 1157, movie, 4,593. In Australia provide a number of films and TV series than it is in Iraq, Haiti and Cuba have a small number of countries.

"In accordance with the traditional way to deal with the copyright of films, often in the authorization, there are many restrictions. Our goal is to make our companies around the world all have the same content, but it still takes time to achieve this objective. "Lee said.

Independent consulting firm Media Partners Asia, Managing Director of Victoria VIC-Coto (Vivek Couto), Netflix development has just started the company in the Asian market. He predicted that the company will continue to increase local content, and eventually in the Asian markets were "reasonable permeability", including India, and Korea, and Singapore, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam.

"With the passage of time, they will be in Singapore and India get good grades on the market. But they are in Japan, and Korea and the development of China's market may encounter many challenges. "He added.

Until now, Netflix has not yet been approved to enter the mainland market.

Relatively slow pace of development

This week, Netflix company said it expects its international customers in the second quarter will increase by approximately 2 million. This was below analysts ' average expectations, the analysts expect, it will be released in the second quarter, about 3.5 million users overseas.

-Reed Hastings, Chief Executive of the company (Reed Hastings), local-language sources and the lack of local payment options, which limits users to sign up for Netflix service in many countries.

"In the coming years, we will be pushed a step to implement localization, we will be able to find more opportunities. "He said to analysts during the earnings conference call. Netflix does it in Latin America in the development of self-confidence. As early as in 2011, it's in Latin America launched its service; now, it has become the dominant local video streaming service.

However, it is important to Mexico's share on the market by the local erosion of stream media services Clarovideo. Clarovideo service is billionaire Carlos Slim (Carlos Slim), America Movil has developed.

In Mexico, the biggest obstacle is the Netflix company broadband users rarely. In Brazil, broadband availability will also be a potential problem, because Brazil Telecom regulatory body earlier this week claimed that it would soon allow broadband service providers to limit network traffic.

In the Asian market, Netflix faces fierce competition. It not only stop by the local streaming website and global streaming media service providers such as Amazon, Hulu, and HBO and BBC iPlayer to catch up.

Netflix has just entered Korea market when Watcha Play of local Frograms immediately launched its own streaming service. Two months later, Korea telecommunications company SK Telecom Co for users who are not subscribed to its mobile phone service launched a video streaming service.

Netflix has just in Australia when launched streaming services, the local Publisher Fairfax Media and broadcast companies Nine Entertainment Co Holdings to launch a streaming service; News Corporation and Australia television and newspaper groups Seven West Media to launch a streaming service. The discounts they offer are great, but free look.

According to market research company Roy Morgan research said, Netflix company in Australia started very well. It is March 2015 in Australia launched, in just nine months, its Australia user number reached 3 million, while the country's population of 24 million. However, it has begun to significantly slow pace of development, has fallen from last year 55% growth rates in April or May to September or October last year of only 4% per cent.

这家公司横扫了北美,却难以征服亚洲和中国 - Netflix,流媒体 - IT资讯


在今年1月,这个美国视频流媒体服务巨头已拓展到了全球130个市场,包括亚洲的几个市场。但是,它的国际化发展之路并不顺利。当地用户抱怨它提供的节目数量比美国少很多,抱怨它的经典电视剧《纸牌屋》(House of Cards)因版权问题迟迟不能在当地播出。


印度尼西亚最大的电信公司PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk(简称Telkom)的企业通讯副总裁阿里夫-普拉博沃(Arif Prabowo)称,Telkom将会继续封杀Netflix的服务,直到该公司做出相应调整并达到当地管制机构的要求为止。


“我们通过互联网提供的服务遭到了决策者等相关人士的批评。我们是愿意遵守当地法律法规的。”Netflix亚洲通讯负责人杰西卡-李(Jessica Lee)说,“我们在不同国家推出我们的服务时,我们都愿意遵守当地的法律法规。”





“Netflix的韩语片库的内容很稀缺。”29岁的韩国上班族和Netflix用户Jung Dong-yoon说。

在韩国,Netflix观众还发现:在本周,热播剧《逍遥法外》(How to Get Away with Murder)和两季《风骚律师》(Better Call Saul)被撤下了。据Netflix公司称,这只是暂时的,因为韩国当局正在根据影片内容划分适合观赏的年龄段。




独立信息咨询公司Media Partners Asia的常务董事维维克-科托(Vivek Couto)称,Netflix公司在亚洲市场上的发展才刚刚起步。他预计,该公司将会继续增加本土化节目内容,并最终在亚洲市场获得“合理的渗透率”,包括印度、韩国、新加坡、香港、菲律宾、泰国和越南。





该公司首席执行官里德-哈斯廷斯(Reed Hastings)称,由于当地语种片源和当地支付选择方式匮乏,这限制了很多国家的用户注册使用Netflix服务。


但是,它在重要的墨西哥市场上所占的份额受到了当地流媒体服务Clarovideo的侵蚀。Clarovideo服务是亿万富翁卡洛斯-斯利姆(Carlos Slim)的America Movil公司开发的。


在亚洲市场上,Netflix公司面临的竞争非常激烈。它既受到当地流媒体网站的阻击,又受到全球流媒体服务提供商如亚马逊、Hulu、HBO和BBC iPlayer的追赶。

在Netflix公司刚刚进入韩国市场的时候,当地公司Frograms立即推出了自己的Watcha Play流媒体服务。两个月后,韩国电信公司SK Telecom Co就面向那些尚未订阅其手机服务的用户推出了视频流媒体服务。

在Netflix公司刚刚在澳大利亚推出流媒体服务的时候,当地出版商Fairfax Media和广播电视公司Nine Entertainment Co Holdings合作推出了流媒体服务;新闻集团和澳大利亚电视和报业集团Seven West Media也合作推出了流媒体服务。它们提供的折扣幅度都很大,而且还提供免费试看。

据市场研究公司Roy Morgan research称,Netflix公司在澳大利亚的开局很不错。它是在2015年3月在澳大利亚推出的,在短短九个月内,它的澳大利亚用户数量就发展到了300万;而该国的人口也才2400万。但是,它的发展速度已开始大大减缓,从去年四五月份的55%的增长率锐减到了去年九十月份的仅4%的增长率。

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