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published in(发表于) 2016/7/1 8:26:00 Edit(编辑)
Sony moves to adjust marketing strategy: China and the United States are marginalized

Sony moves to adjust marketing strategy: China and the United States are marginalized(索尼移动调整市场战略:中国、美国被边缘化)



Sony moves to adjust marketing strategy: China and the United States are marginalized-Sony, Sony mobile, Sony mobile phones-IT news

IT news , July 1, Sony has just held its investor day in Tokyo, discusses Sony's business strategy for the future, as well as the different areas of the company's business data analysis, we can see from these data, Sony's mobile marketing strategy can be adjusted.

Sony's move is expected in China, India, and Indonesia and Brazil (accounts for the entire Sony Business 45%) on 15-17 fiscal year compound annual growth rate for the fiscal year 0.3%, while last year this number was 8.1%. This shows that Sony is edge mobile services in these areas. North America, Sony forecast shipments 17 fiscal year to 169 million, in fiscal year 15, the figure was 176 million. Overall, Sony's fiscal year 15-17 fiscal year compound annual growth rate of 1.4%, while last year the figure was as high as 7.1%.

Expected declines in shipments, reflecting Sony financial perspectives have changed in these areas, the company believes in these areas cannot depend on mobile service to get enough income, so adjust the strategy to "keep" rather than "expand" market share. Of course, this does not mean that Sony phones will disappear from the market, but Sony will be more targeted at the market.

The Center for the future of the company will be placed in East Asia (Japan), the Middle East and Europe , the strategic adjustment of the objective is very clear--to strengthen Sony's mobile business, Sony will introduce more sophisticated handsets to ensure profits in the future.

注: CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate is short, meaning a compound annual growth rate. Compound annual growth rate is the annual growth rate over a specific period of an investment, calculated as a percentage total growth of n-square n number of years equal to the relevant period.

索尼移动调整市场战略:中国、美国被边缘化 - 索尼,索尼移动,索尼手机 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 7月1日消息,索尼刚刚在东京举行了投资者日,主要讨论了索尼未来的商业策略,同时对于该公司不同领域的商业数据进行了分析,从这些数据中我们可以看出,索尼移动的市场战略有所调整。




注:CAGR是Compound Annual Growth Rate的缩写,意思是复合年均增长率。复合年均增长率是指一项投资在特定时期内的年度增长率,其计算方法为总增长率百分比的n方根,n相等于有关时期内的年数。

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