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12 programmer career, 12 lessons

12 programmer career, 12 lessons(12年程序员职业生涯,12个经验教训,)



12 programmer career, 12 lessons-programmers-IT information

I have worked for 12 years at ThoughtWorks. Isn't it strange? Looking back at my career, I wanted to write about my experiences in these years of difficulties, and the conclusion drawn on 12 very important lessons. Although I selected only 12, but there is far more than the numbers, but I think the 12 year 12 lessons more flavor.

1. the tool cannot substitute for thought

In my years of consulting work and work with many organizations and managers in the common routine I found to fix the problem, it's managers believe that tools can "solve" the problems are given. When the problem domain is well understood, and there can be many exceptions, and everyone acts the same way when this approach works. Unfortunately, many practical problems is not the case.

Too many times I have seen administrators using the tool lock to the organization-specific way of working. Naturally, the tool does not resolve the problem, and blocking the work of truly complete. Tools should be used to help to help protect against known errors, and helps us remember repetitive tasks, not replace thinking.

2. unless the management team to understand agile "change" values, otherwise it cannot play a role

Many managers have made such a mistake, it is that other parts of the Organization to make changes at the same time, only those involved in the work of the people need to "accept quick." Do in the enterprise and manpower needed to spend a lot of time and skill, because you have to focus on synchronized at different levels of the organization.

Accepted as part of an agile organization who want to organizations facing real threats. As the words said, "or change the Organization, either to change the way organizations. ”

3. learning needs a secure environment

Learning is necessary after making mistakes. In the Dreyfus model, which means that, especially in the higher primary stage, people need to learn by making mistakes. However, when people make a mistake will cause bad effects to work will lose the respect of colleagues, or hurting others in the process, so that they will not offend the wrong risks.

Because I'm passionate about teaching and learning, so I failed while trying to create a safe space where fails, you can make some basic mistakes to learn.

4. everyone can be a leader

I've written about this topic, because this is a very important observation. I saw a common mindset of pitfall is that people feel like a leader, you need to take the leading positions. But people can show their leadership, irrespective of its title, and can be done in many different ways to do this, just not clear on what is expected or required to take action.

5. the architects write code can often make the best decisions

The Tech Lead in the courses I run, I'm an advocate of technology leaders at least 30% them to write code. Spend time on coding helps to build trust, respect and understanding of the current system. When making architectural decisions, does not take into account the constraints of the current system often leads to wrong decisions.

6. change takes courage

I remember someone talking about XP values, there is courage. Courage is necessary for leadership, because you have to take the risk of failure, risk/return and try some new things. No risk, often will not have a great deal of reward.

7. confidence-building is the key word

There is an old proverb, "according to his words, and acted, not their deeds imitated. "In reality, no matter what you say, people first and foremost will remember how you act. You have to always remember to do as we say. Inconsistent behavior could undermine mutual trust. Say "no" or "not now" rather than promise to do one thing didn't do much better.

8. successful pairing with good collaboration

Although not all of the programming environment is healthy, but I believe that, when pair programming work, when teams tend to have a better culture of collaboration. Many developers prefer the (long-term) branch-based development anti-pattern because it delayed feedback and potential sources of conflict.

I (navigation), a healthy sign of conflict as a collaborative team. Delay feedback, such as long branch code review often leads to more discontent because it was delivered so late.

9. mode of thinking and allow for more powerful results

One of my most favorite subject in University introduction to philosophy, in the semester we will study the different philosophers. In the course of my career, I gradually learnt the value of diversity, and through more than one perspective. Systems thinking also recognizes that fact can be explained in a different way, so as to facilitate the emergence of new ideas or solutions.

10. recognizes that everyone has different strengths

Everyone is unique, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses. Although we tend to find like-minded people, but has a wide advantage teams can go better. Advantage in this area may be vulnerable in the context of a, so that when team members have a wide range of advantages, the team will become more powerful. Although the advantage of differences can lead to conflict, but health teams will accept each other's differences, rather than hate differences.

11. lifelong learning

The world changes, we always have the opportunity to learn new skills, techniques and tools. We can even learn how to learn, there are many books, such as the Apprenticeship Patterns and The First 20 Hours can teach you how to do this.

12. the positive effects of sudden happiness

Of the Drive, a popular book, talking about how people by one goal and give birth to a sense of well-being. In my experience, help others find a solution, have a positive impact on them, is a source of happiness.


Above 12 points not in 12 years of ThoughtWorks, I learned all of the lessons, but they are really helping me to customer service more important lessons.

12年程序员职业生涯,12个经验教训 - 程序员 - IT资讯














在我运行的Tech Lead courses中,我提倡技术领导者至少将他们30%的时间用来写代码。花时间于编码上有助于建立信任,尊重和理解当前的系统。在做架构决策时,不考虑到当前系统的约束条件往往会造成错误的决定。


我记得曾有人谈论过XP values,其中有一点就是勇气。勇气是领导时所必须的,因为你要冒失败的风险,以及尝试一些新事物的风险/回报。没有风险,往往就不会有很大的回报。




虽然不是所有的结对编程环境都是健康的,但是我相信,当结对编程有效工作的时候,团队往往具备一种更好的协作文化。许多开发人员更喜欢(长期)branch-based development的反模式,因为它推迟了反馈和潜在的冲突来源。







世界在不断的变化,我们总有机会去学习一些新的技能、技术和工具。我们甚至可以去学习如何善于学习,有很多书籍,例如《Apprenticeship Patterns》和《The First 20 Hours》可以教你怎么做好这些。





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