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published in(发表于) 2016/7/7 13:51:35 Edit(编辑)
Quiz European Cup play betting online? Don’t touch it! ,

Quiz European Cup play betting online? Don’t touch it! ,(竞猜欧洲杯网上玩投注?别碰!,)



Quiz European Cup play betting online? Don't touch it! -Euro online quizzes-IT information

Last February, the color for sale on the Internet in the country has been "suspended", in June this year, the national sports lottery Center reiterated, during the European Championship tickets are sold all of its agencies not to Internet, telephone sales sell lottery tickets, but a recent survey, some merchants are unwilling European Championship this "big cake", through the Web site, quiz APP and virtual games betting. In this regard, the State General Administration of sport Lottery Management Center staff, members of the public found that this situation can be reported to the Centre.

The phenomenon of

Betting APP does not provide paper bills

"The European Cup had four, no game is coming to an end, I had to play back to back. "The fans, Mr Wong said after the start of European Championship, and his friends in a section called" the Lottery every day, "the APP note buying. "This APP can not only buy a euro, you can also buy shuangse Qiu Lottery-d, I have bought seven or eight times the lottery. Accounts are now four thousand or five thousand, if you want to ask you now need to bind the app or a bank card. "Mr Wong admits the APP all bets do not offer a paper ticket," when we played. "

Journalists searching through the mobile APP store finds, involving the sale of football Lottery network APP nearly 30, thread consultants a lot, most of the APP the last updated time is half a month before the start of the European Championship, opened the European Cup soccer competition color project, more common is the quiz subsequently won every game also guessed the final score. Bet, buyers under number guessing game purchase, you generally need two guess, betting bonus of slightly lower "scores" bet is one of the highest rate of return, "the Lottery every day", when playing two games scores, according to the 12 Note 1 time bet, 24 bets cost, expected bonus, 212.40 to 200000 Yuan.

Virtual platform to play more games now

In addition, journalists also found that some websites set up a virtual platform, in which virtual game quiz game, with earned virtual money and then withdraw. Color 258, a platform to launch a new "crazy arena" football quiz game, users can register an account, sign in to obtain virtual gold, or directly in Yuan to buy virtual gold.

Reporters saw the virtual platform, use the virtual coins bet to quiz European Cup results after the lottery bonus is issued in the form of virtual gold, but the virtual gold cannot be directly now, users must use the virtual coins and then continue to play other games such as guess, win virtual currency to withdraw. Meanwhile, reporters also noted that, in order to encourage players to play more games, quizzes, Web ranking award will be set, top 100 users can gain extra bonuses, bonuses are issued in the form of virtual currency, users can also withdraw.


Betting lottery tickets are sold on the line to report

It is understood that on June 14, the national sports lottery Center reaffirms once again the European Cup during its ticket agencies are allowed to Internet, telephone sales sells lottery tickets. The same period, the national sports lottery Center in nationwide raids in Jiangxi province caught a two color point there are illegal for sale under provincial transmission line access. Although not yet ascertain whether cooperation with Internet sales platforms, but two sales agencies was to cancel the operation.

Yesterday, the reporter contacted the national sports lottery Center, hotline staff, sports lottery does not currently sell online services. In accordance with relevant provisions of China's sports lottery, is forbidden, "If you are experiencing this type of sale online betting or lottery site and APP, people can call to report crimes."

竞猜欧洲杯网上玩投注?别碰! - 欧洲杯,网上竞猜 - IT资讯













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