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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/20 7:48:28 Edit(编辑)
Hanwang, where to go? Outdoor air purifier,

Hanwang, where to go? Outdoor air purifier,(汉王,去哪儿呀?造室外空气净化机,)

Hanwang, where to go?
Outdoor air purifier-hanwang technology, hanvon, air purifiers, PM2.5-IT information Hanwang, where to go? Outdoor air purifier

On January 20 the message, at the recent Beijing on the NPC, CPPCC members in Beijing, Liu yingjian, hanwang Technology Corporation Chairman, said of hanwang technology has developed features a large air purifier and that this Purifier is equivalent to hundreds of indoor air purifier features . Positive news boosted hanwang technology all of a sudden quick thrust, intraday high at 14.72 dollars, biggest gain in 9.77%.

He introduced by design models, more than 300 square kilometers within 30 metres of the atmosphere, a large outdoor air purifiers purification capacity of 10,000 cubic metres per hour .

In this regard, hanwang technology company is seeking new business, but for air purifiers, hanwang said related products are continually tested and improved.

Hanwang technology 2013 Q3 earnings report revealed that its third-quarter loss of more than 60 million Yuan. As a matter of fact, from 2011 onwards the company's main industry has for the third consecutive year of losses.

This ... Hanvon no electronics, did address the PM2.5?


汉王,去哪儿呀?造室外空气净化机 - 汉王科技,汉王,空气净化器,PM2.5 - IT资讯







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